I'm Back

Discussion in 'Introduce Yourself' started by wjack2010, Oct 15, 2011.

  1. wjack2010

    wjack2010 Regular Member

    Hey all,

    You have probably all forgotten me, been months eh?

    Any way, I have been EXTREMELY busy so I had to take a break from most websites, but fear not, the worst is out the way and I'm back and ready to fight the forum once again.

    Hmm...a lot seems to have changed, don't worry I know why.
    Brandon likes this.
  2. cpvr

    cpvr Regular Member

    Welcome back, how are you doing? Ya, @Brandon is our new owner, and also, the domain has since changed.
  3. wjack2010

    wjack2010 Regular Member

    Thought I saw a new Admin :D Better get to know them then. And thank you, I'm doing fine thanks. :)
  4. Brandon

    Brandon Regular Member

  5. wjack2010

    wjack2010 Regular Member

    Thank you new admin :D
  6. Brandon

    Brandon Regular Member

    you can call me Brandon :adminpower:
  7. wjack2010

    wjack2010 Regular Member

    If you insist :grouphug:
  8. Trealix

    Trealix Gamer

    Welcome Jack, hows it going mate?
  9. wjack2010

    wjack2010 Regular Member

    Going fine thank you, yourself?
  10. Trealix

    Trealix Gamer

    I am good, fixing up my site. :)
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