1 Year Old Promotion Forum Looking For Staff

Discussion in 'Marketplace and Exchanges' started by StevenF50, Jun 26, 2011.

  1. StevenF50

    StevenF50 Regular Member

    Dec 14, 2010
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    Advertising Mania is looking for staff. We have been open for one year so you can ensure we won't stay closed though we sometimes close for short periods for major updates. We are looking for quite a few staff as we recently lost most of our staff after some failed conversions then major updates after that though now the site is stable and we decided on the forums future so no more major downtime. If your interested PM me or Naiwen.

    Co-Leaders Team Leader
    (Aka moderation team leader)
    Hiring: 0
    Job Description: To manage the moderation team and to moderate the board and keep the board spam free. Also to help members and be active on the forum.
    Special Permissions: Access to co-leaders staff forum. Access to staff forum. Get to know about big updates before they happen. To manage the moderation team.
    Payment: None unless you help with any of the following services packages,paid packages,reviews,paid reviews,graphics, paid graphics.

    Co Leaders
    (Aka moderators)
    Hiring: 0
    Job Description: To moderate the board and keep the board spam free. Also to help members and be active on the forum.
    Special Permissions: Access to co-leaders staff forum. Access to staff forum. Get to know about big updates before they happen.
    Payment: None unless you help with any of the following services packages,paid packages,reviews,paid reviews,graphics, paid graphics.

    Hiring: 1
    Job Description: To help edit the templates and add fancy codes and things to the forum. Also to help members who need help with coding.
    Special Permissions: Access to staff forum. ACP Access.
    Payment: Get paid forum cash for the amount and complexity of coding they do.

    Package Team Leader
    Hiring: 1
    Job Description: To manage the package team and keep them organized and make sure the quality is up to standard and to help do packages when there is a big backlog.
    Special Permissions: Able to manage the package team. Access to Packagers staff forum. Access to staff forum. Coloured username and special rank. ACP Access so they can add cash for payment and remove it for package payment.
    Payment: They get 25% of what the packagers earn, the packagers get paid the amount they earned but the team leaders pay is based on the total of the packagers he doesn't take it from the packagers pay. Also when someone requests a paid package and you do it you get half the payment.

    Hiring: 2
    Job Description: To make posts on other peoples forums and blogs when requested in the package service board also to be an active member of the forum.
    Special Permissions: Access to packagers staff forum. Access to staff room. Coloured user name and special rank.
    Payment: Get paid AM$(Our forum cash) based on amount of packages they completed plus bonuses for hardest workers. Also when someone requests a paid package and you do it you get half the payment.

    Reviewer Team Leader
    Hiring: 0
    Job Description: To manage the review team and keep them in order and to pay them and make sure there quality is up to standard. Also they help with reviews when there is a big backlog.
    Special Permissions: To manage the review team. To access the review staff forum. To access the staff forum. ACP access so they can pay the reviewers and deduct cash from bought reviews. Coloured user name and special rank.
    Payment: Get 25% of what the review team earn but it's not taken from the reviewers payment. Also get paid real money when some requests a paid review and if you do it you get half of the money earned.

    Hiring: 2
    Job Description: To review other peoples forums when requested in the review request section.
    Special Permissions: Access to review staff forum. Access to staff forum. Coloured username and special rank.
    Payment: You get paid forum cash, the amount varies per month on how many reviews you do and which type of review. Also get paid real money when some requests a paid review and if you do it you get half of the money earned.

    Advertisement Team Leader(This is a service, not people who promote Advertising Mania)
    Hiring: 0
    Job Description: To advertise peoples websites upon request in the advertisement service section. The job is NOT to advertise Advertising Mania, it's to advertise other peoples sites. To manage the advertisement team.
    Special Permissions: Access to advertisers staff forum. Access to staff forum. Coloured username and special rank. To manage the advertisement team.
    Payment: You get 25% of what the advertisement team earn and get paid for the advertisement service requests you complete. If you complete an advanced(paid) advertisement request you get half of the money earned from it.

    Advertisers(This is a service, not people who promote Advertising Mania)
    Hiring: 2
    Job Description: To advertise peoples websites upon request in the advertisement service section. The job is NOT to advertise Advertising Mania, it's to advertise other peoples sites.
    Special Permissions: Access to advertisers staff forum. Access to staff forum. Coloured username and special rank.
    Payment: You get paid forum cash based on the amount and type of advertisements you make. If you complete an advanced(paid) advertisement request you get half of the money earned from it.

    Designers Team Leader
    Hiring: 0
    Job Description: To design graphics for the forum and to manage the design team.
    Special Permissions: Access to designers staff forum. Access to staff forum. ACP access so they can pay their team. Coloured user name and special rank.
    Payment: You get paid forum cash based on the amount and complexity of the graphics you do. You also get paid real money when someone requests paid graphics. That's like full graphic sets like banner,nav bar,buttons,userbars etc all in one request though you'll get good pay for it.

    Hiring: 1
    Job Description: To design graphics for the forum and to do graphics when requested.
    Special Permissions: Access to design staff forum. Access to staff forum. Coloured user name and special rank.
    Payment: Get paid on the amount and complexity of the graphics you do. You also get paid real money when someone requests paid graphics. That's like full graphic sets like banner,nav bar,buttons,userbars etc all in one request though you'll get good pay for it.

    Promoting Team Leader(Promoters DO promote Advertising Mania)
    Hiring: 0
    Job Description: To advertise Advertising Mania and to manage the promoters team.
    Special Permissions: Access to promoters staff forum. Access to staff forum. Coloured username and special rank. To manage the promoters team.
    Payment: Get paid forum credits based on the amount of advertisements they make.

    Hiring: 3
    Job Description: To advertise Advertising Mania.
    Special Permissions: Access to promoters staff forum. Access to staff forum. Coloured username and special rank.
    Payment: Get paid forum credits based on the amount of advertisements they make.

    If your interested send me a PM with this form completed:

    Position Your Applying For:
    English Spelling & Grammar: /10 (Be honest)
    Professionalism /10 (Be Honest)
    Time You Can Be Online:
    Why You Want To Be Staff?
    What Can You Offer To Us?

    Once you have submitted your application you may or may not be put on trial.
  2. StevenF50

    StevenF50 Regular Member

    Dec 14, 2010
    Likes Received:

    We are still looking. We have hired and advertisement management team leader.
  3. StevenF50

    StevenF50 Regular Member

    Dec 14, 2010
    Likes Received:
    We are still looking. Positions are been filled.

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