Welcome LADY, to "THE BASH"

Discussion in 'Introduce Yourself' started by BabyBuddha, Apr 2, 2006.

  1. BabyBuddha

    BabyBuddha Regular Member

    I would like to :Welcome:, Lady of Avalon to BA. And nice to see you have posted. :eusa_clap Please make sure to come back and post again. :p

  2. Guest

    Guest Guest

    Another waver joins the clan! Welcome Lady!
  3. LadyOfAvalon

    LadyOfAvalon Regular Member

    Thanks for the grand welcome. I do so enjoy a good debate!

    Lady Of Avalon
  4. BabyBuddha

    BabyBuddha Regular Member

    Also nice to have another openly gay person on BA. Was feeling a little out-numbered here.
  5. highlandronin26

    highlandronin26 Regular Member

    Welcome to you Lady!
  6. Venus

    Venus Regular Member

    Welcome to you Lady... and if you are gay well let's not forget to give you the wooohooooo gave wave... :wav: Welcome to BA!!!!!!!!
  7. BabyBuddha

    BabyBuddha Regular Member

    People are going to think you are GAY...Venus, if you keep giving everyone the GAY WAVE......:wav:.

    Maybe I can bring you too the dark side, eh....wanna switch teams....come on you know you want to be GAY......take the plunge....."CHOOSE" GAY TODAY!!! :p
  8. Venus

    Venus Regular Member

    :wav: Actually I am pround of Gay ppl, I love that they fight for who they are and what they are and what they are about! :wav:

    You know what???? When you are as CONFORTABLE in your own sexuality, as I am with mine... (that is hetero) or (bi) lol (get some ppl talking) I am "NOT THREATEN" at all by the gay population.

    Hey that's a good point, maybe all these men and women (the homophobes) are just afraid that gay women and men are better in bed then them... That could explain it I think!!!!!
  9. Nightwolf04

    Nightwolf04 Regular Member

    Whoa did I miss something...0.o

    sounds like everyone has to be gay now...0.o...

    this is what i get for not reading posts properly *laughs*

    and homophobes...who what where??

    I don't remeber hearing of any from fellow bashers... .0.o
  10. Guest

    Guest Guest

    I don't think "bed" is where it is at, Venus. It is how one conducts oneself elsewhere that counts.

    I fail to see why anyone could be homophobic. Gays are people too. And believe it or not they seem to have a radar for picking up on who is gay and who is straight. Most gay people I know do not "hit on" a straight person. Or if they have it was because they were receiving mixed messages or signals from the "straight" person.
  11. Lil'Jeffery34

    Lil'Jeffery34 Regular Member

    Welcome to BA! Make sure you wipe you feet at the door.;)
  12. BabyBuddha

    BabyBuddha Regular Member

    "Happy Valentine's Day, Joseph. Love Bobby"? "Hey hot stuff"? Bobby, you can't give this to Joseph.
  13. Guest

    Guest Guest

    Welcome to BA - where everyone knows your name.... and your gender! LOL
  14. jack_of_clubs

    jack_of_clubs Regular Member

    Welcome Welcome Welcome *slaps himself* sorry split personality all want to welcome you.
  15. Guest

    Guest Guest

    So - where has Lady gone? I'm looking forward to meeting her - anyone with a signature as hers has got to be a great person!!
  16. Guest

    Guest Guest

    Seems the gay issue soured some people. Lady , Venus, Baby Buddha, and a few others left since they didn't seem to be well accepted for their preference. Too bad since they seemed to contribute much in the beginning.
  17. Guest

    Guest Guest

    OOOhhh - that's too bad!! Everyone should feel welcome here - This is supposed to be a HAPPY place!!
  18. Guest

    Guest Guest

    Happy and gay! Nice ladies too!
  19. Guest

    Guest Guest

    Yeah - that's the way it seemed to me. Get them back, Irish!
  20. Guest

    Guest Guest

    Baby Buddha I have been working on. The rest are her friends not mine. She has a popular following so it will have to be her word to get them to return. I am already in the dog house with her pal, Venus, and I don't know the others personally. Wrong gender! LOL And they think I am a pompous ass as it is! No wait that was Lil Bit who thinks that; however I am sure my Baby Buddha's friends probably would agree with her!

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