
Discussion in 'Introduce Yourself' started by hollyjean01, Nov 4, 2005.

  1. Brainfreeze

    Brainfreeze Regular Member

    I shall not conquer the world! (the conquerer's always get assasinated) I get to be the voice in the back of the conquer's head. That way I can use them as a scape goat incase things go wrong...back to the point though if you dont untie me i'll start showing you some of the many creative ways to get information from people by using duct tape.
  2. Nightwolf04

    Nightwolf04 Regular Member

    you do realise that the voice always gets killed too...

    sigh shows how many movies I watch and how amny you pay attention to...

    mwuahaha I rule all :)
  3. Brainfreeze

    Brainfreeze Regular Member

    See the thing is that most of "those" voices are picked by the person trying to take over the world..and subsequently killed by the same person that picked them. The thing you need to do when picking your pawn...errr dictator, is to pick some blissfully ignorant fool who is more then happy reining terror upon some random city or village, while you make the important decisions..such as where to put your WMD and being the smart "voice" that you are, you must remember to not put a big red self destruct button on it..or if you must have a self destruct button, place a big red button that is linked to 5 mini guns in the ceiling to kill whomever pushes it. Then put the real self destruct button in an obsure place surrounded by like buttons that noone ever touches.
  4. Nightwolf04

    Nightwolf04 Regular Member

    you think way too much....

    *runs off*
  5. Guest

    Guest Guest

    I think the red button plan is an excellent one! Who will we nominate to test it?
  6. Nightwolf04

    Nightwolf04 Regular Member

    *puts hand up* I will!
  7. Brainfreeze

    Brainfreeze Regular Member

    Thats the point :) if you dont think enough great Cthulhu will rise from his place under the sea and devour you...well he'll devour everyone else also, you just might get finished off earlier.

    Hmmm...who to test the button on..we have to make it enticing for whomever would try. We can use a big fire engine red button with large letters on it stating "DONT PANIC IT'S ONLY A SMALL EXPLOSION -- SELF DESTRUCT"
  8. Nightwolf04

    Nightwolf04 Regular Member

    you know, even if it doesn't have a big sign like that it'd still want to press it :P
  9. Brainfreeze

    Brainfreeze Regular Member

    Well of course you is after all the "big candy colored button" all red buttons have an inate hypnotizing quality to them.

    Though putting "DONT PANIC" on it helps to quell the worries of those who think to much. In the face of those words your logic tells you that nothing can go wrong from pushing the big candy colored button.
  10. Nightwolf04

    Nightwolf04 Regular Member

    lol though apprently I think way outside the box (I have no idea what this box is by the way...).

    So i would think, that I would panic because I sometimes do the opposite to what something tells me to do, or I'd think that because it's red it's a powerful colour and that the person who wrote it is LYING!
  11. Brainfreeze

    Brainfreeze Regular Member

    See we can work with the paranoid types here also, you can either assume that because the words there say "DONT PANIC" you should panic..or that the person that wrote those words knew that you would panic if you read them and not push the button. Therefore you should fight through your paranoia (you are being watched, we know where you live and are on the way now with the men in the white coats) and push the button in order to fight against the will of "the man".
  12. Nightwolf04

    Nightwolf04 Regular Member

    I'm not paranoid.

    Only happens when I think someones talking about me which is usually true.

    Meh I jsut think that something else is going on, or I might be reallly clever and get my pet wolf to do it ^.^ seeming as I am the leader of a wolf pack :)
  13. Brainfreeze

    Brainfreeze Regular Member

    Yes yes, never underestimate the uses of a minion, especially ones that are easly disposable...hmmmm
  14. Nightwolf04

    Nightwolf04 Regular Member

    ...tehehe my minions are powerful though...and

    they bite *grins*
  15. hollyjean01

    hollyjean01 Regular Member

    well, thanks again for all the welcomes! and everything went very well with my new niece :) thanks
  16. Nightwolf04

    Nightwolf04 Regular Member

    good good as you've noticed holly are conversation always go abit crazy....all part of the fun...
  17. hollyjean01

    hollyjean01 Regular Member

    yeah I did notice that .lol
  18. Guest

    Guest Guest

    Who are you calling crazy, Woman? LOL Our conversations crazy - never! Insane,yes most of the time!
  19. Brainfreeze

    Brainfreeze Regular Member

    Yes you all are crazy, i'm the only sane person around here. Now if you'll excuse me I must return to the boiling of the Play-Doh.
  20. Nightwolf04

    Nightwolf04 Regular Member

    hahaha you sane hahahahahaha!!!!

    you really need to re-think that one dear :P

    no their crazy irish and insane :)

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