If You Created Forum Software, What Features Would You Include?

Discussion in 'Community Forum Software' started by SpacewardAsh, Apr 8, 2011.

  1. Kaiser

    Kaiser Regular Member

    Haha we keep going at it with optimization and compression. I would also make sure to compress JavaScript on my forum software. (XenForo uses alot of it, and I am using a add-on thats does just that and compresses all js files and its has improved speed).
  2. euantor

    euantor Regular Member

    Compressing JS does help for sure. I have noticed how much JS xenForo seems to use. It does make the experience a lot nicer IMO, but I definitely agree that compressing is needed. Support for the YUI compresser would be a big plus point.

    Also on that front, I'd provide support for CloudFlare out of the box as well as supports for CDNs like MaxCDN for larger forums. I'd also provide a page management system (I believe xenForo has one?).
    Kaiser likes this.
  3. Kaiser

    Kaiser Regular Member

    Yea XenForo has one, you can create custom pages, as many as you want, and its very customizable. I just haven't needed a use for it, but I would include that too.
  4. mcrickeo

    mcrickeo Regular Member

    This probably sounds strange but I want to see a forum software that allows everything to be run from social networks where threads and posts can be created with your social network accounts MySpace, FaceBook etc etc.

    I know this can be done by associating or connecting a social network account with a forum account but I don't mean like this I mean like the profile page actually links to the social network page and everything to do with the user is run on the social networks end a little like DigialSpy.co.uk's article commenting system only a whole forum software based on it.

    I know there would be a million problems and issues to get around and maybe it wouldn't work but it would be nice to let passing guests on my threads and forums who otherwise couldn't be bothered signing up comment on content without having to sign up and stuff.

    Maybe it would just be simpler to make the signup process less painful ha :P my stupid ideas.
    Kaiser likes this.
  5. Kaiser

    Kaiser Regular Member

    Not bad, sounds interesting lol.
  6. mcrickeo

    mcrickeo Regular Member

    I just like forums that have a huge social network presence to them.

    That's why I love XenForo I mean they really are unique they have a follow system, profile comments a like button it's unique and these little social features are what sold it to me so if they could expand on that somewhat I think things will only get better.
  7. Kaiser

    Kaiser Regular Member

    I agree, a feature like topic/post tagging would be awesome. Thats something I would certainly include in my own software.
    moneymakingmom likes this.
  8. Austin01

    Austin01 Regular Member

    There are so many I would include, to many to list. I would have statuses, infractions, and a lightweight attractive software.
    Kaiser likes this.
  9. Kaiser

    Kaiser Regular Member

    Same here, I can go on and on. Xenforo is great but unfortunately it doesn't have an infractions system but its planned for 1.1.
  10. mcrickeo

    mcrickeo Regular Member

    Yea I like how XenForo do that at the moment with there quotes how someone can be notified of a response by being quoted. It's really useful but there are times I want someone to be notified but it's kind of irrelevant to quote there post so a simple @ tagging system in a forum software would be a really nice feature.
  11. Ventura

    Ventura Regular Member

    It would have alot of things just a few:
    Alerts like xenforo
    SEO'd out of the box
    Sitemaps by default
    A easy pugin system
    Some nice javascript effects like what xenforo has.
    moneymakingmom likes this.
  12. Coastercraze

    Coastercraze Regular Member

    Let's spice things up a bit :D

    First, the forum home would be like a bunch of sticky notes. I would also implement a semi-horizontal layout.

    Anyways, upon selecting a forum, it would load below the navigation. The navigation would consist of a dropdown featuring all the forums listed / ability to select any forum and its head link would be the forum home page (should it be needed).

    Once you select another forum, the current one displayed gets tossed to the left and it loads the next one for you.

    Each forum displayed would have a list of threads in it and any announcements, stickys, etc. Within the threads just like a normal forum, except you can choose between vertical or horizontal postbit styles.

    Horizontal would be arranged just like a timeline (oldest first and newest last)
    Veritcal would be your typical post style.

    Oh and tablets anyone? I'd implement something like MSN has. Ability to draw in the WYSIWYG (not sure if the technology exists but you'd be able to draw with your finger / mouse in it.
    Kaiser and Ashley.S. like this.
  13. SpacewardAsh

    SpacewardAsh Lurking From Space

    Those features sound awesome Coastercraze, that would certainly make your forum software unique
  14. Kaiser

    Kaiser Regular Member

    Very nice, I can already see it selling :P Does sound very unique.
  15. moneymakingmom

    moneymakingmom Regular Member

    I wish they would provide forum software that had the ability to embed Voxant Newsroom videos directly into posts. For an admin, that would be a nice feature, cause those videos are monetized and would generate income for the forum. I've done very well financially posting those particular videos on my blogs, but never been able to integrate into a forum.
  16. SpacewardAsh

    SpacewardAsh Lurking From Space

    that sounds like a good idea, but couldn't that also be covered by Custom BB Codes?
    moneymakingmom and Kaiser like this.
  17. Kaiser

    Kaiser Regular Member

    Yea it can.
    Back on topic: If you created your own Forum Software what features would you include?

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