What are your thoughts on creating a group specifically made for the former staff members who have retired, or just changing their user Title to "Retired Staff" or "Former Staff"? I've seen this done on alot of forums. Is it necessary?
Not really but I would be named as Former Staff as Retired staff makes me sound old, but overall I would allow it on Administrators and Moderators only.
What do you mean? If someone was a member of staff whether an Admin/Mod or something else I think its best to give them some sort of recognition and placing them in groups or giving them a title is a good thing.
I think a group for former staff is a good idea. As it was stated before, it would give them some recognition for their efforts and contributions to the community.
I usually put them into the VIP/Elite/Valued Contributors Group and give them the "Former Staff" staff rank
Yea same here, right now I just give them the "Former Staff" title, I haven't gotten the time to make a contributor group yet.
Yea Its actually the last on my list because I will have to go through so many permissions and what not.