Blah Blah Ejection Pod from our Mothership

Discussion in 'Admin Talk Support & Feedback' started by psi, Feb 25, 2005.

  1. psi

    psi Regular Member

    May 22, 2002
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    Was just wondering with the recent invasion of empty posts (with no replies) that instantly get locked because of their barrage attitude or were laced with spam. Noticed the ones were all posted in News Nebula. Why don't we have an actual forum like name of this thread to actually move all those wasted useless "0" (or near) replies that are laced with moderator's words "LINK Deleted". You know the ones that instead of receiving our welcome probe from Prox they instead get sent to the Ejection Pod, a no reply forum and save having to read dead, lame threads of no inherent value. It also would help you in long run when ready to crossover next level/version you can just delete all the posts in it and save the next time. You know ejection of pod to the Centauri System when we warp drive to next version.
  2. monsieurjohn

    monsieurjohn Regular Member

    Jul 3, 2000
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    yeah, we don't usually have a huge need for it but today we sure did :rolleyes:
  3. Alien

    Alien Regular Member

    Mar 15, 2000
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    Zeta 2 Reticuli
    Not a bad idea for useless threads.. Not all that hard to move a crummy thread out after editing or deleting it I suppose. :)

    If we do it, we'll use the name you came up with.. Quite clever.
  4. Diesel

    Diesel Regular Member

    Apr 26, 2000
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    In some cases, the information contained in the threads is somewhat inappropriate and offensive, warranting total deletion.
    Especially in cases like the recent ones, where the thread was basically an insult directed at a specific user (me), it's not something I'd be comfortable with leaving in the forum for others to read, especially if it's directed at someone else. I can handle some moron's postings about me, but it can make people uncomfortable to leave personal attacks up for others to read, hence the reason we remove them from view.

    My personal opinion is that the threads that do get deleted are typically (>90%) posted by those seeking to cause a disruption, whether it's someone posting commercial spam, arcade spam, or personal attacks (not too much else falls into other categories). Deleting their posts basically takes away any satisfaction or impact they may have been trying to impose, and negates their negative influence on our otherwise peaceful corner of the universe.

    It's an interesting idea... I'm just not sure how it would play out.
  5. psi

    psi Regular Member

    May 22, 2002
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    lol empty it monthly of its posts and name the passengers aboard as those the banning party still holds!! :bloons2:
  6. psi

    psi Regular Member

    May 22, 2002
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    I think we found our first passenger. My goodness the numerous posts are totally out of control!!!!!
  7. danceswithfish

    danceswithfish Regular Member

    Apr 5, 2005
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    I agree!!! How many times will this guy post the same thing? He'll run out of forums pretty soon.
  8. Schizander

    Schizander Regular Member

    Sep 27, 2005
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    I just left a website I have been visiting for over 4 years. I don't plan to return. Why? They allowed a few people (including one moderator) to dominate and basically control some of the the political discussions. Threads were posted with titles which seemed (to me anyway) designed to agitate and infuriate people who did not subscribe to their particular viewpoint which was mostly right wing neo-conservative fringe. Anyone who expressed an opposing viewpoint was immediately insulted and mocked and called a pinko bleeding heart liberal, etc. Most of their posts sounded like it came right off the desk of Rush Limbaugh or Hannity or some other media talking head.

    There was only one area at this site which was safe from these internet bullies and that was a fantasy UFO/alien section where people role played as either pro-alien or anti-alien characters. It was fun, and usually nobody was serious or mean-spirited there. The aliens were out to win over all the gullible naive (not really but they played along anyway) humanoid females and there was also a group of pretend impotent losers who were trying to twarth the alien advance.

    There was also a folder where people could seriously discuss interesting things like ESP, alien abduction, demons, extra dimensions as in Superstring theory, quantum mechanics, relativity, time travel, etc. This appealed to those who were not into role playing and witty postings. BTW, I see nothing wrong with using sarcasm and wit as long as it's reasonably clean and intelligently done and of course funny. A person can be sarcastic without being insulting and mean....I know I can...most of the time.

    Usually I completely avoided participating in ANY political discussions at this site, but sometimes these people would post such innane drivel I felt it my civic duty to call them on it, but this was usually a mistake. You can't be civilized with some people who aready have their mind made up and who are pushing their agenda. It bordered on partisan political propaganda or so it seemed to me....which is why I ended up here.
  9. Ripley

    Ripley Regular Member

    Sep 28, 2005
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    You mean you weren't bound, gagged, and thrown onto the back of a truck driven by a hairy man in a foil suit? :eek: Thats how I ended up here....or maybe it was a handsome pickly alien that stopped by to gently coerse me into following the leader. :ohboy: Hmm, I can't remember. :tongue:
  10. Diesel

    Diesel Regular Member

    Apr 26, 2000
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    Sorry... unavoidable side effect of the probing.
    We've been working on fixing that for years, but the last few tries just ended up mutilating our test subjects, which were cattle at the time. We've been afraid to test the fix on humans ever since.
  11. monsieurjohn

    monsieurjohn Regular Member

    Jul 3, 2000
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    you'll definitely enjoy it here! glad to have you
  12. rosebud

    rosebud Regular Member

    Mar 17, 2005
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    Schizander and Ripley I am so glad you like this site.

    Since I was role playing with aliens and people who were against aliens, I had to find information on the net concerning such lovely species. That is when I stumbled into here.

    I like the way you give us the freedom to express ourselves with out being chewed out or our posts deleted. Role playing with Schizander, Ripley and sentinel is so much fun, that I hope our Alien story goes on for a very long time.
  13. lordnation

    lordnation Regular Member

    Dec 7, 2005
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    I agree also!!! Those posts are spam in which no one likes
    or try's to do except spammers..
    I mean on another forum I this one person get 300 posts in a day Welcoming
    people from July last year!!! I mean this person joined this month..
    So you get my point about the spam??

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