You told me that you missed me, but you meant with the grill and hood

Discussion in 'Introduce Yourself' started by tbsrk, Feb 23, 2005.

  1. tbsrk

    tbsrk Regular Member

    Howdy. Yet another n00b comin to infiltrate all of your defenses. I hope you all have suntan lotion.

    Have a wonderful day, see ya on the boards.

    PS. 10 points to the person who tell me what song the title of this thread is from! Ready? Go!
  2. monsieurjohn

    monsieurjohn Regular Member

    alkaline trio - this could be love

    rep me, foo ;)

    :welcome: - you look familiar

    feel free to ask any questions, otherwise have fun poking around!
  3. psi

    psi Regular Member

    lol wait....Prox does the first Poke!!!! :ut-oh:
  4. Rumsfeld™

    Rumsfeld™ Regular Member

    Yet the same Prox coming to infiltrate yours. I hope you have KY Jelly ;D

    Welcome to teh Soup
  5. tbsrk

    tbsrk Regular Member

    5 points for the right band, but you goofed on the song. It's actually from Fatally Yours, both off the Good Mourning album. 5 points is still pretty good, at the end of the month you can trade them in for cash and prizes. 30 points gets you a nifty mood ring.

    PS. I actually did try to rep ya, but since I've got none myself, its just gonna show up as a big grey blob. kind of like real life.

    PPS. Psi, I somehow feel a close bond to you... my fraternity is Omega Beta Psi... great minds think alike? Or do ya just wanna go down to the bar and get drunk?
  6. helium heart

    helium heart Regular Member


    Things that make you go " mmmmmmm......"

    You wouldn't be any relation to a certain Dr. Geht would you? perhaps from the same gene pool? alter ego maybe?

    your sure as, talk like him :nod:

    Anyhoo if you need timeout from the vicious madness that is wtf, welcome to the calmer nebula of Alien Soup. :nuts: :lol: :nuts:
  7. tbsrk

    tbsrk Regular Member

    I am of no relation. I don't even have a PhD.
  8. Guest

    Guest Guest

    Country Music

    Any One You Peeps On Here Like Country Music Give Me A Holla Holla Holla Holla Playa...
  9. Guest

    Guest Guest

  10. Rumsfeld™

    Rumsfeld™ Regular Member

    Bunny Clown youshould probably start by first pressing the caps lock key so all your posts don't show up as *shouting*

    And I think the whole point thing is just a little game they were playing.
  11. tbsrk

    tbsrk Regular Member

    That depends on your country of residence. If you live in the US, you must travel to New York City, and stand on the corner of 45th St. and 3rd Avenue between 4:06 and 4:12 AM on the second Thursday of every month. A man in a big yellow hat will show up with a monkey named George, and whack you in the side with a bat. The number of whacks you take multiplied by your age determines how many points you get.

    If you are in a country other than the US, you must first take a bottle of vodka to the nearest ocean and while watching the waves, break it over your head. You must sign a paper in front of a notary confirming you did this. Then, repeat step 1 as if you were a US citizen.
  12. monsieurjohn

    monsieurjohn Regular Member

    ignore bunnyclown, he/she/it is banned
  13. Rumsfeld™

    Rumsfeld™ Regular Member

    tbsrk... my Lord, I just fell completely off of my chair laughing at what you just wrote. I think I'll use that as a siggie quote in the future. Thanks for making my :rotflmao:
  14. Guest

    Guest Guest

    OMG, tbsrk - good to have you aboard - you'll fit in nicely! Speaking of "fitting in nicely" - watch out for Prox.... we've grown to love him, but he's a bit rough at first...

    MJ - who is bunnyclown, and how do you get to be banned? Call me studid, but I've always wondered - can you tell us? Thanks!!!
  15. Rumsfeld™

    Rumsfeld™ Regular Member

    These are the reasons Diesel posted ^^
  16. Guest

    Guest Guest

    OOOOH - thanks, Rummy. I must be naiive.... I hope I don't ever get banned!!! :tongue:
  17. monsieurjohn

    monsieurjohn Regular Member


    i wouldn't worry about it if i were you - we ban people we don't want here, for various reasons - usually the ones diesel posted.

    --and we do want you here, so you're good.
  18. tbsrk

    tbsrk Regular Member

    Hey, don't mention it, but I can't promise gold every day. Nor can I promise a visit every day. I have a bad tendancy to drink into oblivion. I usually wake up in a snow bank, in some random girl's dorm room, or propped up against a fire hydrant. Anybody else a raging alcoholic in here?
  19. helium heart

    helium heart Regular Member

    ^ legend


    so you hit the sauce full on.........well, we'll all be here, waiting with baited breath for your next random, gold moment!........don't play with us now!

    you shy, modest, little thing you! :rolleyes: / runs back to dorm room locks door :lol:
  20. Rumsfeld™

    Rumsfeld™ Regular Member

    He is indeed an online legend as far as I'm concerned

    I just sent that whole point system thing to a few of my friends via e-mail and they laughed their asses off (well replied that they did anyway),

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