Staff members copying your forum?

Discussion in 'Member and Staff Management' started by Kaiser, May 12, 2011.

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  1. Kaiser

    Kaiser Regular Member

    Has it ever happened to you where your staff members have copied you behind your back? It recently happened to me where Bamboo (Aka Shane, Juice, Off-Topic, SplashStudios, Spankz), who was apart of our Community Team had decided to start an admin forum without me knowing about it. I found it through another forum and I went to check it out and I saw his forum structure, and he completely copied us there with the way the forums were placed, and then I went through some threads which he copied and slightly reworded them. An example of a thread being copied in particular:

    Original AdminBB thread:
    Purchase Advertisements on AdminBB   AdminBB Webmaster Forum.png

    Purchase Advertisements   AdminsLife.png

    And the funny thing is he was using a nulled version of xenforo, now he is planning to switch to MyBB, and this is what he told me on his other site

    I was kind enough to not ban him but he blew that by copying our content. So how would you deal about staff members like this?
  2. SpacewardAsh

    SpacewardAsh Lurking From Space

    I don't have time for copycats, I just remove them from staff, ban them and then also ban them from viewing the sites content as well via the wonderful IP Deny Manager
    Kaiser likes this.
  3. Kaiser

    Kaiser Regular Member

    I do that as well but I like giving people chances.
  4. SpacewardAsh

    SpacewardAsh Lurking From Space

    If people cannot come up with their own unique things, and resort to copying, then they don't deserve a chance in my books, as they blew it when they copied the content...End of Story!
    Kaiser likes this.
  5. Kaiser

    Kaiser Regular Member

    Yea I know, people like this amaze me. This is not the first time either, I have been copied many many times.
  6. cpvr

    cpvr Regular Member

    Copycats end up in the dust, just my competitor forum, they copy our threads, and things that we do. We banned their main account, and we continue to grow - while they're declining. Nobody likes a copycat forum, they usually die on their own - as owners get bored, and can't devote as much time as the person they're copying.
    Kaiser likes this.
  7. Fiona1964

    Fiona1964 Regular Member

    If you want to copy some thing from some one then ask first
    they may never know they might get a yes
  8. Trealix

    Trealix Gamer

    Kaiser I want to start an Admin forum, na but seriously Same happened to me they called it...

    GamingParadise :S
  9. Ahajir

    Ahajir Regular Member

    Well some people just don't see the difference from being inspired and copying other peoples stuff.

    I mean it's OK to go and make something similar, but to copy everything that's just stealing.

    I have no problem when a person asks me to use something that I made but I sue them and make ure their content get's removed if they copy me without asking.

    But I never had the experience of someone copying my forum and I hope I never will.
  10. Trealix

    Trealix Gamer

    it seems bamboo closed his forum.
  11. Spankz

    Spankz Banned

    Indeed I did.
  12. Trealix

    Trealix Gamer

    Why are on Spankz?
  13. Spankz

    Spankz Banned

    My account Bamboo got banned. :P But I removed the forum and working on a custom MyBB theme and content.
    Mr Joker likes this.
  14. Trealix

    Trealix Gamer

    So Bamboo was banned so you joined as a female?
  15. Spankz

    Spankz Banned

    Wait, what. I joined as a female? Let me go fix that.
  16. Trombones13

    Trombones13 Regular Member

    It's happened once before with the forum I'm not the owner of--one kid decided he wanted the same forum (going so far as to copy forum structure/descriptions verbatim, but on free software and led by a bunch of inexperienced children. We had a good laugh about it in the staff forum and watched as their staff members got banned, argued, and the site died off. :P
  17. Kaiser

    Kaiser Regular Member

    Im not sure why you think you can join back when I permanently banned your name and IP. Join one more time it will be a complete waste again as you will just get banned again. You really do amaze me.
  18. Gamrpro

    Gamrpro Regular Member

    Wow this is sad. Yea if you ask first you never know. If you don't ask this just makes it worse for yourself.
    Ashley.S. likes this.
  19. Kaiser

    Kaiser Regular Member

    I agree, if he would've asked than maybe things would have been better, but it still doesnt change how he copied my content, and used nulled software which is piracy and illegal.
    Ashley.S. likes this.
  20. Ashley

    Ashley Regular Member

    Wow, that's just sick. If we were using a paid software, and someone tried copying us by using a nulled version of the same thing that we worked so hard to pay for, I'd be getting the ban hammer out so fast it would make your head spin. I don't have time for copycats, as there are other things I could be doing online than trying to hunt these people down. I wouldn't even THINK of giving people like this a second chance, even though I'm usually sensitive that way by nature... If they kept coming back, well, I'd just keep banning them till they gave up, especially if all they were on the forum to do was to steal content. And actually, Kaiser, I believe you can also report him to his host as well, can you not? Because he's using a nulled version of Xeneforo? Also, I will no longer be joining this particular administrator's forums if he's going to keep copying everyone else and not coming up with his own stuff. Not happening!
    Kaiser likes this.
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