:abduct: Hey Hoax, welcome to AS. It's great to have someone else abducted from this side of the globe. Hope you packed some vegemite. Have fun.
welcome to the soup hoax . . . now alas it is my duty to issue you your first probeing. So bend it over and prepare to be probed. Don't worry this will only hurt at lot.
OK Hello hi Greetings and so on... New here and wandering around wondering what the point is exactly? or is the lack of point other than the whole alien exploration idea(and by that I mean our exploration into the concept of aliens not their exploration of us necessarily) the point... did that make sense even? I'm tired so maybe not. Anyway... hello glad to be here and so on
Welcome to the site, we're happy to abduct you. Stick around and don't forget to tell lotsa slimy humans!