Does Seo Waste Your Time?

Discussion in 'Member Articles & Tutorials' started by Kaiser, Apr 26, 2011.

  1. Kaiser

    Kaiser Regular Member

    Nov 15, 2010
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    For most, users, the acronym SEO (search engine optimization) can sound like some obscure technical term. This is quite understandable, since it is unlikely that they will even bother with what the search engines does, other than to look for the terms that it is told to do so. And it is also often for that reason why those not familiar with the work consider it as being just a waste of time, with no immediate results.

    However, for those in the field, SEO work is certainly worth all the effort and will give out expected results. Thus, this has been a heated debate between pro and anti-SEO people regarding the benefits of the work. So what really is there with regards to this matter?

    One of the most common arguments given by those who consider search engine optimization a waste of time is that it doesn't give what it is supposed to deliver. This one they usually assert based on experiences with companies claiming to get them to the top spot and make you stay there for good. However, this is, in fact, highly unlikely.

    Considering the many factors that contribute to a website's ranking and how quickly these can change, it is unlikely for even the the best SEO's to maintain a high position for long. The truth is, such a statement made by an SEO firm is nothing more than a marketing strategy to entice clients. This should instead be taken lightly when looking for and SEO firm.

    Another common business notion about SEO is that not all the work put into it does turn into sales. As you probably know by now, getting good sales is the most important aspects of doing business. However, SEO is but only one factor of sales generation, and in order increase sales, one must also utilize other means alongside SEO. Even those businesses that are solely based on the web needs to put forth promotions outside of it in order to reach more potential customers.

    Related to this is the perception by some that SEO benefits take too long to come. This one can be seen as stemming out from many business people's impatience. As with any other method, achieving results with SEO doesn't come out overnight. Also, it would be better to do everything slowly in order to build up a more stable long term hold on clients, rather than going for short term approaches.

    As it goes, it is likely that SEO will still have its cons. However, with careful planning, these can be minimized and one can make optimization worth all the time and effort put into it.
  2. MrJohn

    MrJohn Regular Member

    Jan 6, 2010
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    Love the article, it really is not a waste of time. Users are not going to find your forum unless you have proper SEO work done.
  3. Kaiser

    Kaiser Regular Member

    Nov 15, 2010
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    I agree, but what this articles refers to is SEO Over-Kill mostly which some do, just continuously optimizing their site which dosent make much of a difference than waste their time and is not always good..
  4. PixelPirate

    PixelPirate Regular Member

    Apr 24, 2011
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    Eh, depends on the genre. If its something thats not unique, then yes...seo is really important, but if you have a unique will automatically give you good results.
  5. cpvr

    cpvr Regular Member

    Aug 14, 2009
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    Quality content for the win - if you know your keywords, then you know how to establish yourself in the SEO world - your users will build links for you if they enjoy your site - you can do it, too, which means, SEO is not a waste of time. I get 350 to 400 visits/day from Google alone - and I don't do much link building.

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