King of the Swingers is here!

Discussion in 'Introduce Yourself' started by King Louie, Oct 26, 2001.

  1. King Louie

    King Louie Regular Member

    Hello all

    Nice to see such a lively board. I felt it was time to come down from the trees and spread a little happiness around.

    Hold on...

    There, some swing , feel it.....
    ... the swing..

    Join in:

    Oo pee do
    I wanna be like you oooo oo
    I wanna wak like you
    Talk like you oo oo
    b, dah, b, dah, b, dah, b, dah, b, dah,


    By profession I am a Web Infrastructure Engineer working in Germany. Security clauses prevent me from sayin any more!

    Any way I hope to get aquainted with you all v soon.

    Attached Files:

  2. Alien

    Alien Regular Member

    Welcome. :)

    Thanks for visiting, I hope you come to feel right at home here.

    Let us know if you need any assistance, okay?

    Btw, I fixed your flag bug, so it should display properly now...!
  3. King Louie

    King Louie Regular Member

    Thanks Mr Alien,

    Hey, is it possible to upload my own avatar?
  4. Prox

    Prox Regular Member

    Welcome To Our Insanity. And Nice BBVD reference.
  5. SwissSmiss

    SwissSmiss Regular Member

    welcome! :ufo:

    love the spot animation, btw :D
  6. KNSinatra

    KNSinatra Regular Member

    I can't help but picture Austin Powers...but maybe that's just me ;)

    Welcome King Louie -- Glad you finally came down from those trees of yours, hope to see you around the boards *lots* ! :)

  7. JHowse

    JHowse Regular Member

    Question is, do you put the GERRRRRRR in SWINGER??? ;) I bid you welcome, and hope you enjoy your stay. If you are anything like Austin, you might actually enjoy the probings all newbies must endure. :tongue:

  8. monsieurjohn

    monsieurjohn Regular Member

    :wave: welcome!

    you seem friendly.. i'm sure you'll fit in great! take a look around
  9. King Louie

    King Louie Regular Member

    Yeh baby! I do put the grrrrrrrrrr in Swinger! :bgrin:
  10. YesIndeed

    YesIndeed Regular Member

    Welcome welcome!!

    ... I think I'll just go hide in my corner now...

    *retreats back to the depths of the shadows from whence I came*

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