We advertise our forums all the time to bring in new members and keep our forums going, where do you guys think most of your members find you?
I have found out that many people find mky site through my signature on other forums. It does help and I recommend it
My signature helps and also by advertising it on other forums But I think when your advertising you need to make it look interesting to get members to have a look no point in put join my forum at ************* with no info members are not going to join then
Most of my members find through other forums because of my signature. Also google, and promotion forums.
A lot of my users have stumbled across my site through their friends. I also get some traffic from google. Surprisingly, the google traffic really spiked when I added adult content to it. >_>
Not just that Google likes adult content but people do. There is a huge market for adult websites...lots of people searching for it.
Yea I agree... well I dont know why some people run them... Just imagine yourself running a porn forum or website. Its pretty weird in a sense.
I asked the same question when GamingIsland was a forum, they all got to my site because of affiliates and mouth.