Feature addition: New vB Codes

Discussion in 'Admin Talk Support & Feedback' started by Alien, Sep 20, 2001.

  1. Alien

    Alien Regular Member

    I'm just getting a few kinks out, but you can find several new functions for your messages here:


    Note: Several features require IE 4.x+, and may or may not work in the latest versions of Netscape. I have not been able to test that yet.

    Enjoy. :)
  2. jadedskies

    jadedskies Regular Member

    Some of those look awesome! Bewdy! :)
  3. Alien

    Alien Regular Member

    [glow=(color=yellow, strength=3)]Enjoy![/glow]

  4. BRiT

    BRiT Regular Member


    Sweet. :D

    Awe, it no workie now... :(
  5. monsieurjohn

    monsieurjohn Regular Member

    [shadow]Thank you kindly, Mr. Alien![/shadow]
  6. Bob

    Bob Regular Member

    Kick ass!!

    They might get abused by some folk though! :(

    They probably won't, Soupers are generally mature from what I can see.. :)
  7. AlienTech

    AlienTech Regular Member


    [shadow]This is pretty cool![/shadow]
  8. AlienTech

    AlienTech Regular Member


    [blur]Whoa! I figured out how to change the color, lol, I didnt know you could do that.[/blur]
  9. victoronehalf

    victoronehalf Regular Member

    [move]Holy ****[/move]
  10. AlienTech

    AlienTech Regular Member

    [updwn]LOL @ vic :beer:[/updwn]
  11. Shogun

    Shogun Regular Member

    I wonder how many of these you can stick together, give me a minute to test something...

    Star Wars

    Episode 1


    Turmoil has engulfed the
    Galactic Republic. The taxation
    or trade routes to outlying star
    systems is in dispute.

    Hopeing to resolve the matter
    with a blockade of dealu
    battleships, the greedy trade
    federation has stopped all
    shipping to the planet
    of Naboo.

    While the congress of the
    Republic endlessly debates
    this alarming chain of events,
    The Supreme Chancellor has
    discretely dispatched two Jedi
    Knights, the guardians of
    peace and justice in the
    galaxy, to settle the conflict...

    Don't sue me Mr. Lucas, I didn't mean it!

    Yellow didn't suit the background :(
    Don't ask, I was bored. :) Now to see if it works!
  12. AlienTech

    AlienTech Regular Member

    [shadow]Planet Earth[/shadow]

    [shadow]View of the Alien[/shadow]

    [blur]Once an Ancient Alien once said, Planet Earth is a productive planet. It might once be a power, we must stop them!

    The Alien's tryed to stop planet earth, but they shared technology with eachother instead. They were friend from then after.[/blur]

    The End
  13. SwissSmiss

    SwissSmiss Regular Member

    shogun... that's awesome :toocool: :yay:
  14. Banshee Laughter

    Banshee Laughter Regular Member

    Alien, you must have that super galactic mind at work. Geesh! I have a hard time figuring out how to make new categories for members, let alone adding all these features you have here.

    Way to go! It's looking great and it's been WAY too long since I've been back for a visit.

    Uhh.... do you EVER stop upgrading? :D
  15. Alien

    Alien Regular Member

    You'll find that answer out in a couple days. :D

    ...and welcome back, it's good to see you around again for sure!

    Don't be a stranger! :D
  16. Banshee Laughter

    Banshee Laughter Regular Member

    Thanks! I'll be sure to visit often. :)

    Me own forum is in a slump and *sigh* one does get bored with posting to oneself. :D

    I just can't get over how many options you have here! Of course I've got a couple of great guys who handle most of the tech stuff... but they don't like me in the Control Panel for some reason?
    *evil grin*
    Do you like vBulletin better than what you were using before? I've been over to their forum for vBulletin owners - where they explain how to do things, but geesh... can't understand even a 1/3 of what they're talking about. Do you find it helps you? Where did you learn how to DO these things?
  17. Alien

    Alien Regular Member

    Hey. :)

    Just takes some practice, but you get the hang of it.. I'm no coder, and can do no more than manipulate existing code (on rare occasion even)!

    Alot of hack releases are exceptionally well documented, so I've been very impressed with that. I've found considerable help on vB's support forums.

    As for if I find vB better, I like both products and still continue to use both for different projects. I own both licenses. I found for Alien Soup, that vB works especially well.

    I look forward to seeing you around more! I wish I could be of more help on your end, it's not easy keeping traffic up without advertising. :P We're 18 months into this with purely word of mouth lol... I'm hoping to push that further once the rest of this website is released.
  18. Shogun

    Shogun Regular Member

    SwissSmiss: I can hardly believe it worked! :)
    Just need to a way to add in the music :P
  19. KNSinatra

    KNSinatra Regular Member

    I don't understand what the "X-Ray" feature does :confused:

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