Hello, I am the creator of html5pioneer

Discussion in 'Introduce Yourself' started by Scar3croW, Apr 10, 2011.

  1. Scar3croW

    Scar3croW Regular Member

    I am Scar3croW. I am the creator of html5pioneer.com . I know html5/css3/js/php . I play guitar and I web design. Please feel free to message me if you have web design questions.
    Kaiser likes this.
  2. Kaiser

    Kaiser Regular Member

    Welcome to AdminBB Scar3crow, hope you plan to be an active member here :)
  3. Scar3croW

    Scar3croW Regular Member

    I sure will be an active member. Now only if I can figure out how to get people to my forum... :) lol
    Kaiser likes this.
  4. Kaiser

    Kaiser Regular Member

    After you reach 10 posts you can always showcase your site here. And there are many ways, always advertise your site on your signature, a great way for backlinks, and advertise on promotion forums which you are already doing at FP.
  5. Scar3croW

    Scar3croW Regular Member

    yep, I am working on it. I will probably have to end up doing some paid advertising on facebook with a target "like".
    Kaiser likes this.
  6. Kaiser

    Kaiser Regular Member

    To my knowledge facebook isn't that good of a place to advertise for forums, try google adwords, or you can buy adspace from successful forums such as this.
  7. Scar3croW

    Scar3croW Regular Member

    I will think of all my options hopefully active members will start to trickle in.
    Kaiser likes this.
  8. Kaiser

    Kaiser Regular Member

    Good luck, im always here to give you advice if you need any.
    Scar3croW likes this.
  9. SpacewardAsh

    SpacewardAsh Lurking From Space

    Welcome to AdminBB, have you come to scare the crows away for us?
  10. Trealix

    Trealix Gamer

    welcome to the forum mate :)

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