What Should I do About My Forum--I'm actually disappointed in myself!

Discussion in 'Managing Your Online Community' started by Ashley, Jan 23, 2011.

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  1. Ashley

    Ashley Regular Member

    Wow, I never dreamed this would happen, but unfortunately it has. I actually let power go to my head over the weekend, and I seriously wish I hadn't done that. I became way too strict in just a short space of time and I feel miserable about it... but I have anxiety problems too, although I'm hoping that that's not the culprit, as I really want to keep my forum open... not close it and create a new one two weeks later. I don't know what the heck I was thinking. I misread a post that was made in the Staff Lounge, and gave a staff member an infraction that he did not deserve. I very narrowly avoided losing two valuable staff members on account of this, and I feel downright terrible. I have written an apology in the staff lounge hoping that both parties I've hurt can forgive me, but I don't know if I can go on with this forum knowing that I almost lost some valuable help! Part of my concsiance is nagging me to shut it down and give forum owning up for good, while the other part is begging me to keep going with it as members and posts wise, it's finally doing well. But if I'm going to keep having anxiety issues and letting power go to my head, there's no way I could ever run a forum again! Help!
  2. AllyMac

    AllyMac Regular Member

    Be a man, and apologize publicly on your forum.
    Also, maybe you need to see a doctor is you are having anxiety issues.

  3. Ashley

    Ashley Regular Member

    I'm a female, not a male. And I've had anxiety issues for a long time....I'm not trying to be funny or anything.
  4. Trealix

    Trealix Gamer

    tbh, this is always happened to me I was a froob and gave 4 of my staff members the sack due to doing 1 mistake and doing a public Apologize would be useful ;) LOL
  5. Ashley

    Ashley Regular Member

    Such is the life of being a newbie forum owner, I guess, and having a successful forum for the first time! I'm sure we've all been there done that!

    So far what I've done is I've posted an apology both in our staff lounge and in the announcement section, so now the apology is viewable to both staff and members/guests alike. I've had one accept my apology which is a start. And I've also gone back to starting to promote again and I've also requested a package on one or two sites as well, so things are already settling back down.
    Mr Joker likes this.
  6. Trealix

    Trealix Gamer

    as long as your al right at the moment its fine and tbh don't close a site because of instincts, close it through your heart.
    Ashley likes this.
  7. Ashley

    Ashley Regular Member

    Everything's actually settling back down for the moment. If something really comes up, then I'll consider a closure, but not now!
  8. Trealix

    Trealix Gamer

    I had the same about closing my previous forums, tbh give it 2 days and you will make another forum because of boredum, if you need help hire 1 admin for the moment (temp)
  9. Ashley

    Ashley Regular Member

    I am actually thinking of hiring more staff members to help with posting, promoting and such, so I got that part covered already. I'll probably start looking during the week sometime. I'll especially need help during the summer as I plan to go to Bible Camp again, as well as other activities going on.
  10. SpacewardAsh

    SpacewardAsh Lurking From Space

    It would be incredibly stupid to close it over a little misunderstanding, and your actions should correct this. As I said before, all CT needs is a little more help, and knowing you, you'll only go and start another forum when your bored as Mr Joker has said in this thread.
  11. Ashley

    Ashley Regular Member

    I hate to say it, but I think you could be right, Ash. I'll have to start hunting around for more staff members during the week or something.
  12. AllyMac

    AllyMac Regular Member

    Uhh. Be a woman then? Regardless, standing up for your mistakes is best thing to do.
    Also, consulting a doctor then is a good idea.
  13. Ashley

    Ashley Regular Member

    This topic is already resolved and everyone has made up with each other, so things are back to normal.
  14. SpacewardAsh

    SpacewardAsh Lurking From Space

    and on that note, I'm now locking this topic
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