Zanu Zanu :D

Discussion in 'Introduce Yourself' started by kunphuzed, Jan 20, 2004.

  1. kunphuzed

    kunphuzed Regular Member

    Hello all. I have been recently aducted to this web forum. I recently got addicted to forums. i almost have a collection of forums going. this one seemed like a must for my collection. its very interesting and a well done site. im hoping that in time people will become familiar with me. and know me. im hoping to make friends on here as well as have fun.
  2. lobo

    lobo Guest

    Hello, kunphuzed!

    Nice to see ya there! :beer:

    This is really confusing place. Be careful. :nod:
  3. koehiir

    koehiir Regular Member

    :welcome: enjoy the soup! see ya in the forums
  4. monsieurjohn

    monsieurjohn Regular Member

    :welcome: to the soup!

    take a look around, post everywhere, and don't hesitate to ask for help if you have any questions

    see you around!
  5. lobo

    lobo Guest

    Does Your avatar means that you are William Gibson fun?
  6. Alien

    Alien Regular Member


    We're very glad you've jumped right into the thick of things here, it'll take no time at all to get to know our lively and wacky bunch! :D

    Be sure to tell some friends, and if you have any suggestions for our site don't hesitate to post them in the Soup Station!

    Hasta La Pasta!
  7. kunphuzed

    kunphuzed Regular Member

    thank you for the great greetings. im sorry that i just started right now. cuz i have some issues that need to be dealt with.. so i wont beable to progress too fast.. but i will make sure to check it at least once a day.. and get in a few posts.

    well i dont know who william gibson is so i donno.. hah... i just found this graphic onine somewhere... i needed an original icon.
  8. Enigma-X

    Enigma-X Regular Member

    Welcome kunphuzed

    Don't know William Gibson? :eek: Think Neuromancer, Burning Chrome, Mona Lisa Overdrive, Pattern Recognition... ;)
  9. kunphuzed

    kunphuzed Regular Member

    heh... drawin a blank... altho when i looked him up on the web i saw the pattern recognition one... is he an author or somthing?
  10. lobo

    lobo Guest

    Yep, Your avatar looks like television, tuned to a dead channel
  11. Alien

    Alien Regular Member

    Hey, thanks no problem. We'll always be here for when the load gets lighter. :)

    Remember, we do have quite a few people with alot of experiences in life, so should you ever wish to get advice or speak to someone about 'the issues' you can definatly pop into Planet Me and do so k?

  12. kunphuzed

    kunphuzed Regular Member

    ooo... ok.. lol

    thanks i really appreciate it! maybe i will. but right now its hard to explain, but thanks.
  13. silverwings

    silverwings Regular Member


    Welcome to the neighbourhood...I'm new here myself. :bloons2: Let's party!!
  14. Alien

    Alien Regular Member

    Now I like her spirit. :lol:
  15. kunphuzed

    kunphuzed Regular Member

    HEHE i agree :nod:
  16. silverwings

    silverwings Regular Member

    :D :embarass:
  17. Juranda

    Juranda Regular Member

    Nice to meet both of you, welcome to Alien Soup. :)
  18. speryea

    speryea Regular Member


    Hi kunphuzed!

    And welcome!

  19. kunphuzed

    kunphuzed Regular Member

    thanks all... nice to meet you too.. sry for the lack of posting.. starting off on the wrong foot... need a bit of time to get into the swing of things i guess... well again thanks.. c ya in the forums!
  20. Prox

    Prox Regular Member

    Hey, while I like a party like the rest of us . . . there is some business that needs to be taken care of first . . . that business of course is the initial probing of a newbe . . . so bend it on over and dont worry, this will only hurt a lot . . . oh yeah and welcome to our insanity

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