Zane stepping in...

Discussion in 'Introduce Yourself' started by A Nonny Moose, Dec 13, 2009.

  1. A Nonny Moose

    A Nonny Moose Newcomer

    Hi folks!

    I'm thirty-eight, married, have one dog, two cats, and a horde of fish! :cool:

    The name's Zane. I teach English at a public middle school in NYC. Though I have never lived anywhere else, I try to maintain a rational perspective, and for this reason I have traveled to over thirty-eight states and fourteen different countries. I advocate participation in forum communities as an enjoyable reading and writing encouraging hobby. :)

    Additionally, I am the newest member of the moderation team over yonder at Forum Promotion, one of the largest promotion forums on the web. :yes:

    Currently residing in Park Slope - fellow forum geeks feel free to pop in! :D

  2. Tom

    Tom Regular Member

    Welcome to AA, good to see another New Yorker. I'm in OC. :)

    I know you from the former ForumAdvertiser, but you may not remember me.

  3. Nick

    Nick Regular Member

    Hey there Zane, welcome to the community! Glad you found us. I hope you enjoy your stay. :cool:

    Love the username, by the way. :)
  4. A Nonny Moose

    A Nonny Moose Newcomer

    *Respectfully inclines head towards Nick and Tom.*
  5. Tom

    Tom Regular Member

    How about this?

  6. Lynne

    Lynne Regular Member

    Great intro - welcome to the community!
  7. BananaQueen

    BananaQueen Grand Master

    hi zane, nice to see you again, i also remember you from forum advertiser, before it closed. (i was banana) :)
  8. MordyT

    MordyT Grand Master

    Welcome Zane.
    Look around, you never know what gems you will find on AA island.
  9. gnatster

    gnatster Regular Member

    Howdy, welcome to AA.
  10. cpvr

    cpvr Regular Member

    Welcome to the community! :)
  11. Webmist

    Webmist Champion

    Hey Zane, welcome onboard.

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