Anyone have a clean looking youtube label? Like this, or almost anything else that looks cleaner? Even a stock image somewhere would be fine. Does youtube provide them? .
That would be the one! Can anyone change that into a clean jpg? I resampled at 200 dpi then re-saved but it still appears much fuzzyier than the ico version.
Gee Brandon, I thought you spent the time to create those! I thought I'd fixed the problem but I cannot seem to edit any youtube picture into a jpg 21 x 20 pixels and still have it look clean. Is the 21 x 20 a requirement? That is what the other icons are when creating a post on vb forums like mine and AA. I am still searching for a clean 21 x 20 youtube icon.
Yeah, 21x20. I was just having a convo earlier with Shelley about those icons. I didn't know vB did that.