your thoughts

Discussion in 'Skinning, Design and Graphics' started by shihab, May 14, 2010.

  1. shihab

    shihab Regular Member

    what are your thoughts on these logos, which ones better, the one with stroke or without?
  2. Teekay

    Teekay Regular Member

    The second one looks slightly better as there is a border/glow around 'Fill'. I think you should try and add more effects like you did with 'Pixel' at the top.

    Overall, they looks really good :)
  3. shihab

    shihab Regular Member

    wait heres another two :)
  4. Khaleel

    Khaleel Regular Member

    those are better
  5. Wolfy

    Wolfy Regular Member

    I like the 1st on and the 3rd best :D
  6. shihab

    shihab Regular Member

    yeah...they look more proffessional, but i am currently using the second one on my site...might change it later
  7. Khaleel

    Khaleel Regular Member

    i agrre with wolfy
  8. shihab

    shihab Regular Member

    thanks for the comments :)
  9. Insanity

    Insanity Regular Member

    The stroke effect is not a veyr good idea with the style you have going there. A glow could possibly work. A nice drop shadow could also work well if you're not using a black background.

    I'd say the 3rd image is best.
  10. shihab

    shihab Regular Member

    thanks for the helpful comments Insanity :)
  11. Insanity

    Insanity Regular Member

    You're welcome :)
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