Your Thoughts on HTML5?

Discussion in 'Web Development and Programming' started by NBK*Twitch, Aug 15, 2010.

  1. NBK*Twitch

    NBK*Twitch Regular Member

    So HTML 5 is getting close to being finished. What do you think of it?

    I think it will make the web a much easier to browse place.
  2. cohen

    cohen Regular Member

    I haven't used much of it. Apparently it is really good though.
  3. Demon_skeith

    Demon_skeith Regular Member

    I have read some things and it sounds great.
  4. princefarr

    princefarr Regular Member

    Perhaps a browser will come along that can do Canvas/JS very well, and if you leave out all CSS/HTML aspects you might get that going well enough. But then Flash will still have a higher level APl capable of doing more things.
  5. samdepps

    samdepps Regular Member

    But the key thing to mention here is that CURRENTLY google et al doesnt give a hoot about HTML5 and wont give html5 sites any boost in rankings…and whilst most sites are built to support IE6 this looks like a 20+year thing to implement before it becomes successful!
  6. Metroman

    Metroman Regular Member

    HTML5 is the latest release of HTML versions. HTML5 have some special tags which we can use drag drop functions.
  7. Syncro

    Syncro Regular Member

    Same as CSS3, we have to wait till we can actually use it without wonders if our website will be seen well on all devices and browsers. There are just a few browsers that now can render html5 and css3 and that's to bad :(
  8. Brandon

    Brandon Regular Member

    Html5 + css3 = awesome ;)
    Iconic likes this.
  9. D12Eminem989

    D12Eminem989 Regular Member

    I haven't really done much with HTML5 but from what I have seen so far, it by far beats having to have flash on your website and CSS3 = Greatness.
  10. SimplySidy

    SimplySidy Website Consultant, Developer and Strategist

    I am waiting eagerly for all browsers to support most and most (read 100%) of the HTML 5 and CSS3 without any hacks... sooner the better
  11. Jura

    Jura Regular Member

    As a user I prefer Flash because I hate hipsters unless it's me.
  12. bauss

    bauss Regular Member

    I haven't looked into it very much, but I know Xenforo uses HTML5, and everyone seems to like that. I'm not looking forward to having to relearn HTML though. Hopefully HTML5 can be learned in less then a day.
  13. Artixion

    Artixion Regular Member

    Flash is the better solution in my eyes. Although some great games have been developed solely using HTML5, some examples are:
  14. Martin W

    Martin W Regular Member

    It seems a lot easier. I may start learning to code with HTML5 when it is fully complete.
    DarkGizmo likes this.
  15. DarkGizmo

    DarkGizmo Mr. Awesome

    I haven't done much with HTML5 but it is the new standard for web development I think. It's a lot more user friendly for things like tablets that may not support Flash. It's a great alternative to Flash IMO. :)
  16. digitalpoint

    digitalpoint Regular Member

    All I know is I build a pretty simple Flash app to rotate some pictures, and the browser CPU was consuming 100% any time it was on that page. It annoyed me enough that I just dumped Flash and built the slide show thing with HTML5/JavaScript, and the browser uses basically NO CPU now (and as a bonus works on mobile devices without Flash).

    After that experience, I think I'm totally done with Flash going forward...

    It was this site if you want to see the slideshow thingie...
    Brandon likes this.
  17. Quiver

    Quiver Regular Member

    I really like the prospect of HTML5 and how the web is moving forward.
    The time for flash is over. Most mobile devices don't support it any more.
    And what is the most common internet device these days? A mobile. ;)
    More and more people are browsing the web on their mobile or tablet.
    It is only right that the web moves forward to accommodate for this. ;)
    Plus, HTML5 brings the power of web video to iPad. Which is great! :D
  18. LiquidServe

    LiquidServe Regular Member

    HTML5 is the future... It takes websites to the next level with functionality same(better) as flash and compatibility with Search engines it is surely gonna rock the webosphere and is really the future of web development.

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