Your Private Usergroup

Discussion in 'Managing Your Online Community' started by John, Jun 27, 2009.

  1. John

    John Regular Member

    Do you create an own usergroup for yourself as the owner and have all the other admins in another usergroup?
  2. Wayne Luke

    Wayne Luke Regular Member

    No. Fewer Usergroups are easier to maintain. For something such as a Title, I would just use a custom title. You can't give yourself more permissions through a usergroup. Maybe if you used custom ranks but that can be done through secondary groups.
  3. Shelley

    Shelley Regular Member

    No, all admins are in the same group. I noticed few owners do this to define the difference between owner/founder from the administrators. Personally, I don't see the sense in creating another usergroup and setting up permissions to define a title.
  4. Chris

    Chris Regular Member

    No, I don't do this - I do, however, give myself a title (to prevent any confusion as to who is who). Creating an individual usergroup is not necessary - as Wayne said, fewer usergroups are much easier to manage.
  5. Soliloquy

    Soliloquy Regular Member

    No, I don't see the need for this on my forum. I want them to be able to do the same stuff as I do, with the exception of the server stuff.
  6. Vekseid

    Vekseid Regular Member

    Yes. I have about fifty usergroups at this point. Three administration usergroups (admin, god, goddess), three low-level moderator groups, three mentor groups, nine general approved membergroups, a number of disciplinary and unapproved groups, and of course forum membership and special privilege groups e.g. for wiki administration.
  7. OneUpDave

    OneUpDave Guest

    I'd like to know the reasoning behind this, and how it's working out for you. How many total staff (mods+) do you approximately have?
  8. Imperial

    Imperial Adept

    Fifty usergroups? I can sympathize there. Legion is like a clan and it currently has 77 usergroups. A good deal of those usergroups exist for specialized permissions, a few for rank image purposes, and maybe another ten for sorting registered users (non-members) into their appropriate categories. All of the admins (except for 3) have their own usergroup as they have a specific title since each of them has their own area of dominion.
  9. Tyler

    Tyler The Badministrator

    I have done both. I usually like to put myself in my owner "Founder" group when I make the forum by myself. I'll usually have a different username color than the other admin. If not, I keep the admin group the same.
  10. FullMetalBabe

    FullMetalBabe Zealot

    Yes and we have it clear you're the egotistical one.:lol:

    Jokes aside~ No, I find it unnecessary.
  11. Justin S.

    Justin S. Regular Member

    When I had more than one administrator, no, I did not. We were in the same group.
  12. tryfuhl

    tryfuhl Champion

    Us admins don't have EVERY feature that the owner/super-admin does, nearly all, but not enough to actually overtake the forum. All of us in the admin group are in the same usergroup though.
  13. Vekseid

    Vekseid Regular Member

    SMF 2 makes it a breeze after you figure out inheritance and forum permission profiles. Extremely easy to manage, especially with being able to toggle board access both by group and by board.

    Lessee, there's me and my admin account, six deity-level staff, two s-level staff ('global moderators'), and five IRC operators that are not deity-level staff. I want to get a few more staff but I take things slowly.

    Although they are not staff, we also have a usergroup for wiki maintainers (for wiki admin privileges - currently only one), and of course the mentors, which have full moderator control over a handful of forums to handle their needs. There are currently a bit over a dozen of them.
  14. Ryan Ashbrook

    Ryan Ashbrook Regular Member

    I used too, not so much anymore.
  15. Terror

    Terror Guest

    all our admins are in the same group too, just if because one is not around (vacation, sick in bed or something), another one should be able to do his work.
  16. Chris

    Chris Regular Member

    And in addition, you can always restrict the level of access each administrator receives (depending on the forum script you're using). :)
  17. FullMetalBabe

    FullMetalBabe Zealot

    I find this quite useful on MyBB =D freaking awesome!
  18. Chris

    Chris Regular Member

    For organizational purposes, however, I can see individual usergroups coming in handy. You can still restrict those with administrative permissions effectively, but you're doing so using an alternative method.
  19. Game

    Game Newcomer

    I have a founder usergroup for me alone on my board.
  20. Nick

    Nick Regular Member

    I wish this control was more granular because as it is, I can't control each and every aspect (with vBulletin) as I would like to.

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