Your Preferred Domain Registrar?

Discussion in 'Domains, Hosting and Servers' started by Tyler, Feb 6, 2008.

  1. Tyler

    Tyler The Badministrator

    Which is your preferred domain name registrar?

    I prefer GoDaddy. I keep a nice GoDaddy account with all my domains and information in one spot. It is very easy to organize, manage, and do just about anything else with my account there. Their phone support is actually reliable (for me it has been) and I don't really have a problem with their prices. Plus, there is just about always a promo code you can use if you are feeling cheep. :)
  2. Daniel

    Daniel Regular Member

    Godaddy, for sure. I have a 2-3 at other registers, but Godaddy is the best.
  3. Patrick

    Patrick Regular Member

    Godaddy as well. I have one registered through my old host, Bluehost (which is a GREAT host if you are looked for shared servers... absolutely awesome) but when I switched to surpass and found their domains more expensive, I went to godaddy. Bought five domains through there, even if I only ended up using three of them :)
  4. Webmist

    Webmist Champion

    Same here. I was first going with network solution then registar. Now I'm with godaddy to. I like their UI for keeping track of the domains. Not to mention they love me so much I just transferred a domain and it was on the new server in under an hour. I thought that was pretty inpressive.
  5. musicman

    musicman Newcomer

    Godaddy only here too.
  6. Brad

    Brad Regular Member

    I have four domains, all managed by DreamHost...even though I host with Bluehost.
  7. madmax1228

    madmax1228 Regular Member

    Go Daddy. As a new user, I found their setup very simple.
  8. Njdeh

    Njdeh Novice

  9. johnxarce

    johnxarce Newcomer

    i also use godaddy for domain
  10. Andrew

    Andrew Regular Member

    I mainly use Namecheap. I prefer the control panel.

  11. Nick

    Nick Regular Member

    I'm all for Go Daddy ;)
  12. Imperial

    Imperial Adept

    Small gravedig, but figured as the Hosting thread kept bringing up registrars, I'd post here...

    I bought my first two domains with GoDaddy. I thought that if they were good enough to be Google's domain registrar, they had to be fairly good. The introductory offer was pretty good, but a year later it turned into a nightmare. The email spam was quite annoying, constantly trying to sell additional features. The business/private registration addons were costly as well.

    Switched all my domains to 1&1. I was amazed that the price advertised was the price I paid. When renewal time came, there were no hidden or additional fees plus they offered free private registration. I wouldn't shared-host with them, but domain service has been top notch.
  13. lordtopcat

    lordtopcat Adept

    I hunt around for deals when I'm looking to register a domain, GoDaddy are usually the cheapest. However I register domains with NzRegistrar.
  14. Chris

    Chris Regular Member

    I've always used GoDaddy as my primary domain registrar - nothing but positive feedback when it comes to this branch of their web services.
  15. Wayne Luke

    Wayne Luke Regular Member

    All of mine are with eNom... I have a $6.95 reseller account with them so after ICANN fees, each domain is only $7.20. I just deposit money in my account and they automatically renew. The only time I get contacted is when my account is debited for renewal or the account is low.

    Not only that I can resell domains to others at prices that I set and they automatically get billed to their credit/debit card and the profit gets added to my account.
    2 people like this.
  16. Dan Hutter

    Dan Hutter aka Big Dan

    GoDaddy is my primary registrar and I also use NameCheap from time to time both of which I have no complaints about. :)

    I still have a bunch of domains from 1&1, what a waste of life that company is. You they make it extremely hard for you to tell when your domains are expiring and you cannot turn off auto-renew without loosing the ability to change your name servers. Then the best is they just send you an invoice for auto-renewing domains that they pull from your CC two days later.. You never know how much it's going to be since you never know exactly how many are renewing until you're invoiced. :mad: For someone who operates on a shoestring most of the times, this is bad news.
  17. Imperial

    Imperial Adept

    I sympathize with you on the invoice issue. 1&1 will send an expiration notice roughly 60 days ahead of the expiration and then you won't hear anything until your get a receipt thanking you for your renewal. Its very easy to lose track of which domains are expiring if you don't make a separate list or put expiration dates on the calendar. But they are cheap domains, so its something I'm willing to accept. :2cents:
  18. Justin S.

    Justin S. Regular Member

    NameCheap. This choice was essentially confirmed when I had to send them a support ticket regarding an issue when renewing (the domain renewal had been paid for, but the expiration date hadn't changed). I sent a ticket, and 4 minutes later, I had a response and the issue was corrected. It wasn't a major issue and I'm sure it was an easy fix, but you still can't beat 4 minutes.
  19. Chris

    Chris Regular Member

    That's fantastic, Justin. They sound similar to my dedicated hosting provider, WiredTree, when it comes to support.
  20. ArnyVee

    ArnyVee Regular Member is my choice. With the coupon codes that I use, I get them for less than $7.50 for each domain. I probably have about 25 to 30 domain names with them.

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