Your own personal blog?

Discussion in 'Water Cooler' started by FullMetalBabe, Jun 30, 2009.

  1. FullMetalBabe

    FullMetalBabe Zealot

    I've seen quite some people do this and I have gotten an interest to it, though I will not be doing it.

    Lol, well what makes you want to have your own personal blog, how would you use it, will you make your own design to make it even more personal?

    For me, I even thought and planned what would be the domain and slogan of my site. "Because making sites isn't enough"

    And I even thought of using my own name as a domain! Only reason I thought about this was because I have been through so much in so little time, it would be nice for people to read and maybe get help from me. :P Although it sounds silly.

    Lol, either way I decided not to do it, but would you?
  2. Jim McClain

    Jim McClain Regular Member

  3. kev

    kev Regular Member

    My blog is a portal to my forum. Its a place where I can post articles, videos, pictures, and other stuff without them disappearing into the forum.
  4. Peggy

    Peggy Regular Member

    My blog is just a place for me to ramble, rant and post whatever happens to be on my mind at the moment. I designed the theme myself.

    I purchased my own name a long time ago - and have it pointing to the blog.

    One Buzy Mama

    Love the name of your blog, Jim.
  5. Chris

    Chris Regular Member

    Moved to "WebmasterAddict". :)
  6. FullMetalBabe

    FullMetalBabe Zealot

    Hehe...sorreh ^^;;
  7. Chris

    Chris Regular Member

    No worries. ;)
  8. Nick

    Nick Regular Member

    I have a personal blog waiting to be used, but I don't think I would ever be able to keep up with it, so I haven't bothered to really start it. The domain is just sitting there being wasted. I guess I'll eventually use that domain for *another* personal e-mail account.
  9. Tyler

    Tyler The Badministrator

    I have a couple of domains that I bought with intentions of making a personal blog/website/portfolio on. But I don't really keep an interest in them.
  10. OneUpDave

    OneUpDave Guest

    I've tried blogs a billion times, but I can't seem to find the drive to keep on up.
  11. Nick

    Nick Regular Member

    Ditto. It seems so easy, but it really isn't!
  12. Chris

    Chris Regular Member

    I think it ultimately comes down to a) how much time and effort you're willing to direct towards the blog and b) how many unique entries you can make.
  13. FullMetalBabe

    FullMetalBabe Zealot

    What do you mean by unique? Like not posting the same thing every day?? or not posting something like other personal blogs?
  14. I've had a blog/domain in my name since 2005. I used to blog regularly, every day no matter what. I lost steam a couple years ago and now only post periodically.

    I also have a niche blog, which I started in 2007 on and moved to my own hosting. That one was much harder since I had to come up with on-topic things to talk about, not just daily ramblings. Aside from niche-related news, I have lost ideas of things to write about. It's a shame because that had the potential to be a good blog.
  15. Chris

    Chris Regular Member

    Unique, meaning not posting the same (or similar) content on a daily basis. :)
  16. FullMetalBabe

    FullMetalBabe Zealot

    Oh, ._. Yes, another reason why I don't do it! Only thing I would be posting would be anime and designing, since it's something I do daily.
  17. Jim McClain

    Jim McClain Regular Member

    But that's a great reason TO do it. You would build your presence in search engine results and grow ad revenue. Your posts about anime and designing could be unique in that they would not be repetitive like, "I woke up this morning, wore my favorite shirt, went to the coffee shop to hang with my friends and flirt with the server, left to go shop for a pair of shoes, on the way home the shoes pinched so much I almost ran over a bag lady when I tried to wiggle my toes, the cop only gave me a warning but I was still so depressed I got pulled over and what if I become homeless and the damn shoes and the waitress called me a nasty old man and Franklin put salt on my danish and I got a coffee stain on my favorite shirt I decided to write about it in my blog and then I'm going back to bed."

    There is a huge amount of unique content you could write about anime and designing - you do it here and on other forums every day I bet - that your blog would become a popular go-to place for other budding animers (is that a word?) and designers. You could even earn enough with just Adsense to pay your server costs and buy coffee and danish once in a while. Be sensible about shoes though, really. ;)

  18. tryfuhl

    tryfuhl Champion

    Personal blog I will not be doing. I do social media for my "personal online" stuff though; I'll update facebook statuses, myspace, twitter with what I've done to relevant communities, things going on, etc..

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