Our anniversary for teenforumz.com is coming up and I was wondering what other forums done on their first anniversaries, anything special?
We had our first year anniversary back in May and we had a month long trivia challenge which was sponsored by two of our sponsors on the site. We gave away $10 Amazon gift cards everyday (Monday through Friday) randomly from all correct answers given for the day. It was a cool and interactive celebration.
That's right, Michelle did win twice! It was fun getting folks involved and people even participated that normally didn't participate on the boards. So, it was very successful.
First and second anniversaries for the current forums passing by. I did not do anything for the anniversary but I gave away several t-shirts and other goodies for the 50,000 posts mark that was passed around the same time. -Raymond
My first anniversary is coming up soon. I started an AR15 receiver giveaway for every year Obama is in office:p So I'll be giving one of those out for sure. Then I haven't made up my mind but I think I'm going to hand out some 50.00 Cebala's gift cards.
our one year annv is comin in november... prolly gonna do sum kind of contest and give away sum tunemytoyota decals and t-shirts!!
Mine is coming up, and i would very much love to share my plans, but as i have a stalker and copy cat, i wont. Ill pm them to you however
I think it is always good to give away things that will advertise the site. I will be giving away decals and guns that our sponsors donate.
Great! These are some neat ideas that I hope some of you don't mind me using on my forum when our anniversary comes, which is still 6 months away