Your first software?

Discussion in 'Community Forum Software' started by Demon_skeith, Mar 30, 2010.

  1. Demon_skeith

    Demon_skeith Regular Member

    which forum software did you become a admin on for the very first time?

    for me it was IPB which was hosted by IPBfree at the time.
    Brandon likes this.
  2. NBK*Twitch

    NBK*Twitch Regular Member

    For full forum software with hosting and everything.

    It would be ipb 2.3 followed by phpbb.
  3. Ferron

    Ferron Regular Member

  4. Black Angel

    Black Angel Regular Member

    My first forum was hosted on Proboards.
  5. deathlypoet888

    deathlypoet888 Regular Member

    My first forum was hosted by Forumotion.
  6. phio_chan

    phio_chan Regular Member

    phpBB on.. is my first forum. ^^
  7. Sarah

    Sarah Regular Member

    InvisionFree I think ;)
  8. Corza

    Corza Regular Member

    man American authorities always want to ruin everything and now i gotta start again
  9. franzharare

    franzharare Guest

    I was working as a programmer and wanted to change to testing at the company I was at I did it by stealth, persuasion and persistence.My first software is phpBB hosted with My Free Forum.
  10. tetutato

    tetutato Regular Member

    MyBB from day 1 to now.
  11. DaUnknownAdm!n

    DaUnknownAdm!n Regular Member

    My first forum was a perl based software from iKonboard.
  12. Dan Hutter

    Dan Hutter aka Big Dan

    My first board was phpBB 2, I quickly moved to myBB then on to vBulletin and really haven't looked back unless you count the 6 month move to XF.
  13. Iconic

    Iconic The Original

    My first was smf, then moved to mybb. Looking back now, I wish I started with mybb.
  14. bauss

    bauss Regular Member

    The first forum software I ever used was phpbb, it was about 6-7 years ago after I created a temporary forum for a virtual pet site when I was a active member at @cpvr forum.
    cpvr likes this.
  15. Creaky

    Creaky Regular Member

    Very first software was PHPNuke, then phpBB and now IPB.
  16. Carlos

    Carlos Regular Member

    vBulletin 2. :)
  17. carntheroos4eva

    carntheroos4eva Regular Member

    My first ever software was IPB.
    I used invision free and it was great until I found that there was more opportunities using vBulletin 3. It's now more opportunities using vB 4.
  18. WEfail

    WEfail Regular Member

    The very first piece of software I used to create a forum was phpbb. It also was compromised almost 2 months later. Overall, I really liked phpbb but I also was using it back in 2004/2005.
    Anyhow, here is a link if you are curious:
  19. Brandon

    Brandon Regular Member

    I started on phpbb, then tried ipb briefly, then to vBulletin
    after vb 4, I tried ipb again and now I'm using xenforo with a vb license as well

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