I just started my first forum not long ago called RockTalk. What was the name of your first forum and when did you start it?
My first forum was a soccer forum. I started sometime in early 2010, but it didn't become very popular at all and I had to shut it down.
My first forum is Virtualpetlist. I started it years ago back in 05/06 but we had many crashes and we didn't have any backups, but our current version now has been up since Jan 20th 2011. We're a year old now and I can honestly say that our past mistakes have only made us stronger.
My first forum was several years ago, it was called ShipSimOnline , basically a fan site for ShipSimulator game, we ran a forum for a while but to be hones it didnt get many activity so it eventually just died, but it was a decent forum i suppose.
I started a forum a year ago and it was a forum for the people in our local city, it discusses travel guide and tourist destination in our are. Its almost becoming successful now. however, I still have to combat with spammers. Someday I might change to another forum software when its getting bigger.
I just started a forum few days ago. It is to replace a programs back-office chat, so non-members of my main program site can ask questions, talk to other members before joining. I did this as many members asked for it, but so far not many members have joined or posted. Hopefully it will pick up and in a few months it might be a nice place to hang out. We shall see. But I am surely surprised how fast spammers found my new forum. Not 2 hours up and had several adult posts grrr. Requiring approval of new members first five posts stopped that, but still a pain.
My first forum was Wabuf back in 2006, it's still up, but most of the old content was wiped when it was hacked in 2007...
My very first forum was back in 2000 on proboards. It was called Code World. It was for game enhancer codes such as GameShark and Action Replay codes for the PS1, N64, PS2 and dreamcast. I use to hack codes for those platforms. That lasted about 2 years then we moved to Invisionfree on Feb 24th, 2002 and then to a real IPB 1.1 setup with a name change to Codes Unlimited, in Dec of 2002 and lasted until 2006. I've had a few smaller projects since my first forum. I consider those chances and such to just be 'moves' and consider the forum from 2000 to be the same as the one from late 2002 since it had the same member base and such on it. However, i've had a few since it died in 2006, leading up to my current one I have today, Revillution. Which is going to be 2 years this october.