How closely do you watch your competition if you do that is? We tend to have a look now and then but not so often and usually its just to see whats going on over there.
Depends on the site. My main site, not so much. Maybe once a month or two I may check out other sites in that category. The start up sites I check more often.
Not very often, My partner is a member of one of my competition, Im a member of another of my competiton, I probably go on there once a week at least? Another I dont really go on there much, but my mods do daily as they are members there and thats where we originally met. And another one that Im not really competing with but she is competing with me, I go on there almost daily just to check it out.
I look at the compitions forums and what they are doing, but just a few times every couple of months. Most people just set a site up, and rarely go any further. As long as they are sitting still, or barely changing, I dont have anything to worry about.
I no longer have competition, for the most part. Blue Moon and Elliquiy are the #2 and #1 sites in the niche, respectively, though Literotica's SRP forum has more activity than Blue Moon (but not Elliquiy). I mostly just focus on promotion and making my current sites better : )
I used to be an active and dedicated member of my competition, but not anymore. Nothing much goes on over there anyways, but I do check it often.
Only one of my sites has real competition, and that's TeeGopher. The other two have other sites that are very similar to them, but I can't really call them competition. I just like having the friendly atmosphere at even though there is, which is the "Official" builder's group for "real" droids. And the other one...I'd like to make it into a place like no other on the net for its subject, but I still don't see the other sites as competition. The more info available the better.
I have yet to be banned from my main competitor. I'm waiting for the day! Honestly, I don't monitor them religiously. I will log in from time to time to check in on their "progress" (which is not great, to be honest), but nothing more than that. They're slowly decreasing in terms of activity, and this is exactly what I like to witness. Nothing has been done to improve the overall quality of the community, and as such, it appears as if the members are becoming bored. Ah well. Tough break for them.