Yo wuzzup

Discussion in 'Introduce Yourself' started by black_romeo911, Apr 5, 2005.

  1. black_romeo911

    black_romeo911 Regular Member

    hey wuts up everyone? :wazzzup:

  2. monsieurjohn

    monsieurjohn Regular Member

  3. Prox

    Prox Regular Member

    Whazzzzzzzzzzzuuup . . . yeah your probed too.
  4. psi

    psi Regular Member

    hehe Prox....might cause em to say "Whaaaaaazzzzzzupppp in me????"
  5. Xaos_Bob

    Xaos_Bob Regular Member

    One newbie to another, whazzup and all that.

    Oh, and be especially pleasant to Dr. Prox. I hear he's the one that gets to push the probe's "On" switch.
  6. danceswithfish

    danceswithfish Regular Member

    Cold weather self-confusionist club???
    Where do I sign up??
    Interior Alaska is pretty cold ya know!!
  7. danceswithfish

    danceswithfish Regular Member

    What's up?
    A two letter word, meaning above.
  8. danceswithfish

    danceswithfish Regular Member

    What's up?

    A duck's butt when it's eating.

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