Curious if anyone has the link off hand. Been looking to merge a xF to another xF site but heard it needs to be ported to vB3 first. So yea, any input, suggestions or things I should know about before doing this?
very cryptic. thank you. I asked on xF. I cannot import xF to xF, it's not possible. So yea, there are still some big limitations with xF. As awesome as it is, vB3 (sad to say) is still the #1 platform unless you can dev yourself or are willing to pay everyone to do everything for you.
I went from vB 4 to XF and back to vB 4. No hang ups stick out in my mind except passwords. All your imported members will have to reset their passwords. However, I'm not sure if it applies to you case since you're going to wind up with XF in the end -- I assume the password hashes will stay the same. XF includes a vBulletin 3 importer that is fully supported. The trouble is going to be XF to vB 3. I don't know if there is importer script on the .org. I do know that there is an XF to vB 4 script that worked for me with a minor tweak. @ragtek helped me out with that on As @Brandon suggested I'd use vB 4 as the middle man.
so much work to can two stinky small sites and port them over to another xF. :/ Wishful thinking but Ill hold out for maybe xF to add it to their importer.
I'm in the same boat. xenForo says the importer will happen sometime. They've dropped hints here and there about it lately.