Yep, Rigel from created a Social Groups add-on : What do you guys think? I'm going to purchase it for my forum soon, I think the $40 price is reasonable for such an addon. I've also done a little playing around on his test forum and most of the features which I need are already there. If you want to test it out : Upcoming Features and Known Bugs:
I didn't know it was a paid addon, wasn't there a free version around as well? Maybe not by the same person but I swear I saw one back when I converted General Forums over.
I'm not sure although I have heard people talking about "circles" ( addon ) and comparing it to this addon. Don't ask me what it is because I have no clue,
I didn't see one. Though Paul M importer does them as threads, unofficially, and there is some addon for putting people into circles that I haven't seen. ... for the time I have spent with this add-on I am starting to think myself that 40 is not reasonable But that is what I put it for so I'll stay with it.
I agree. They are appropriate in some cases but more and more, I think they take away from the community. I have a vb powered forum that focuses on my state's SKYWARN program, I can see groups being appropriate there to make individual county SKYWARN discussion areas which it actually gets used just for that. But I tend to stay away from features like that myself I am in the SLOW progress of developing a forum software myself (AnotherBB) and social groups is something I cannot decide on adding as a default feature or not. Really to be honest, I am considering a FB-like PAGE feature more than groups