XenForo License For Sale

Discussion in 'Marketplace and Exchanges' started by v7web, Mar 22, 2011.

  1. v7web

    v7web Newcomer

    I purchased a XenForo license a while back to show support for Kier,Mike and Darby, however I have just sat on the license not really knowing what forum to start. I have to say that the forum software is just superb and I wish that I had a project for it but I don't and I need the cash for another (non forum) project I have.
    I would be willing to let the license go for $100 (no negotiation) If anyone wants a discounted XenForo license reply or PM me.

  2. andyto

    andyto Newcomer

    Hi, I would like to buy Xenforo licence, is it still for sale?
  3. Eirik

    Eirik Newcomer

    Im interested!!!
    I realy need that license!
    PayPal? :cool:

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