A defense fund, that's funny. I didn't think xf had anything to worry about. They already have a defense fund, it's called buying the script. I'm sure those who put it together feel good about it, but I would never give my money to a fundraiser like that.
but does it help? did who ever made this up make a new business account just for xf I'll say is watch out for taxes who ever made this up and is receiving the "donations" will have to pay taxes on the money they receive.. well that is if they're in the states Not to mention how bad this looks to outsiders.. a "legal support group" not being ran or supported by lawyers is just a joke is my books. I sure wouldn't want to be the one receiving the money when uncle sam want's his cut, not to mention it isn't "official" As I said, if those want to help XF out the simple and correct answer is to purchase more licenses. Not to donate to some random group that is using the XF name to make a buck. I'd rather give a few bucks to a homeless man on the street, vs sending it off to a make believe "defense fund" which isn't even supported by the company it's supposedly helping.
Actually, not really. If, when the case proceeds to court, the judge decides to freeze the company's assets (which includes income, sales, etc.), they cannot use any of the money they make or have made form sales of the product whose existence is being questioned in the case. So in reality, buying more licenses really doesn't help because that revenue may just end up locked and unusable. You make it sound as if the donation fund is sketchy. It is obviously endorsed by the XenForo company, because they granted permission for XenForo to be used in the domain name. Furthermore, there is already a basis for funds received in the donation to be made available to XenForo's legal counsel for use throughout their legal defense. It's not like these people are pocketing the money and leaving a few leftover cents for the legal counsel to take. Imagine if you were in a similar situation. You start a company that obviously has tremendous potential to out-do everybody in your niche. Your main competitor is on the brink of failure on its own, before you even come along. But once it realizes your threat, it sues you. You, being a brand new company (private company, might I add) with no investments and no revenue, have two options: 1) concede, give up the business you've worked so hard to develop, or 2) fight for your rightful and obvious right to run your business without commercial bullying. Option #2 is the best, but without money, would you not be welcoming of a small group of customers' enthusiasm to help you out? The reason XenForo isn't promoting the donation fund themselves is because: 1) I think they're too modest. It would be more inappropriate if they solicited the donations themselves. 2) More importantly, the idea to start a donation fund was formulated by members. Members asked if there was a way or somewhere they could donate!!! It's not like this is a corrupt conspiracy going on, with XenForo behind it waiting to go buy mansions in Costa Rica when it's all over with...
Since I was the one collecting the donations, I'll have to take Brandon's comments personally. Thank you Brandon. Your faith and trust in me are......... heartwarming.
Peggy, when I was on the XF forum earlier, I noticed that your thread announcing the donation fund was no longer available for public view. What happened? Will it be (or has it been) restored?
I don't think I'd start a company with no investors, especially one with such a proven track record that KMA have. hey, more power to them but any time there is money involved, things can get very sticky if not done correctly okay now you're just getting silly Hi Peggy, Sorry if you took my comments personally, it wasn't geared as a slap at "you", I would say the same no matter who is running that fundraiser site. But now that you said it's your paypal account, I do hope you've protected yourself. I sure wouldn't of wanted to put myself and my credit on the line like that. I'm sure everything will be fine but there is a chance you could really mess your account up or pay some hefty taxes on the money donated. It still would of been far better if you guys have done this and suggested for people to purchase the xF script itself. Or if you wanted small "donations" you could of pooled the money, purchased the scripts and gave them out. To say you're going to help xenForo's legal team is a bit of a slap the developers as well as putting your going at risk. Plus the "legal fund" isn't very good press for xF IMHO. That's just my two cents, Peggy I do hope you believe me. I didn't know it was "your paypal account". I would of said the same if the account was made outside the US, which is actually where I thought it had originated at to possible lessen the burden of Uncle Sam. *edit* ahh.. here ya go I won't say "I told you so" :p http://www.defendxenforo.org/forum/threads/defense-fund.10/ money can be a real kicker sometimes
You'll have to check with your local gov, but it's safe to assume that any money you bring in would be taxed.
Nick the thread was closed, with final statements from both Kier and myself, left up for a few hours so that people could read them, then the thread was removed. The reason for the removal is that, after alot of thought, we didn't want the legal discussions, arguing, disparraging remarks, on the company site. Not covering up anything (I know that you didn't imply that, but some might think it), just cleaning it off the company forum. Defend XenForo is going forward, however, we will not be collecting donations at this time, and maybe never. I called and talked to a tax attorney, and was told that no matter how small our group and our effort, for this type of fund, we would need to file for tax exempt and non-profit status, regardless of the fact that it's a one-time thing. When he told me that it was a minimum of $400 to file for these, I nearly choked! Kim and Jeff checked in Australia and it's even more there. Soooooooooo.... we've ceased collecting donations, and those that did donate (and there were quite a few) will be refunded. But as I said, DXF is going forward. We still intend to stand with, and defend, XenForo in a variety of ways. We're having banners and buttons made for websites and such, and we will spread the news across the web as far as we can reach. We're opening a forum for DXF, which should be open by Monday hopefully, and people are already pledging to join us. I'm very excited.