Hi, Are there any CMS's build specifically for XenForo? Anything similar to say, what vBadvanced or vB4 CMS is to vBulletin? Warm regards, Marc
XenPorta looks simlar to vB Advanced: http://xenforo.com/community/resources/8wayrun-com-xenporta-portal.90/ @Brandon was running it for a while here maybe he can chime in with some info.
Yup, I've used and like xenporta, there is also simple portal and one called poor mans portal, and you could use the widget framework & widget portal and build your own if you wanted. Here is a video of simple portal by @goblues - I've never used it but I'd trust goblues to offer something of quality. Here is a demo on his site as well. http://demo.extralicense.com/