A relatively new forum in the forum market, Xenforo boasts a user-friendly quality forum experience using simple javascript and ajax technologies, and CSS for styling. I know not too many people use this service, but I think it will be the future of forums. The developers of this forum were former V-bulletin developers so that is a big plus right there. The big downside to Xenforo is the high cost. It is in fact designed for large-scale communities so this price isn't too out of the question but many smaller forum owners will probably have to turn down Xenforo. Anyone have any thoughts on Xenforo?
I don't think it has a high cost. Never used xenforo, but thinking of getting a copy for a new forum. I currently use vb but fancy playing with a new toy
the cost was bashed about here a while ago: http://admin-talk.com/threads/xenforo-its-just-so-expensive.1098/ one thing for sure though, is that it is very good value for money
i wanted to purchase xenforo but their requirements are; PHP: 5.2.4+ MySQL: 5.0+ PHP extensions: MySQLi, GD (with JPEG support), PCRE, SPL, SimpleXML, DOM, JSON, iconv, ctype PHP safe_mode off My host (godaddy) provides PHP-5.2 SQL- 5.0 I am not sure about other stuff like PHP extension and PHP safe_made off. So, i think it can't be supported by xenforo, so i m now looking at IPB. Regards
You should contact GoDaddy and ask if they can support Xenforo if you are unsure, but I'm sure they can support it just fine as it would be stupid to be unable to support it on their servers as many other scripts also need or use the following listed that Xenforo requires...
I just bought it, and I think the price is pretty good. It is cheaper than the other 2 big paid software (iPB and vBulletin). The only problem I see is that it only has built-in converters for those 2 software, and it has some other add-on ones, but none of them are really "popular" I think. In order for someone with a MyBB, a phpBB, and (for now) a SMF, and some other software, you will need to either get someone to convert it to vBulletin or IPB and then convert it to XenForo.