Originally, we were aiming to have a beta release of XenForo 1.2 out by the end of this month. Unfortunately, this will not be possible. When we determine an updated XenForo 1.2 release estimate, we will make an announcement. We know that some of you are also looking forward to the release of the Resource Manager. We do not have a release estimate for that currently, but we will make an announcement when we do. We apologize for the delay and thank you for your patience. Continue reading...
Let's say I'm one of the few crazies who are not too interested in a new version. I have worked too much on my design and implementing stuff to have to do it all over again. The version I have now (1.1.2 I think) works like a charm.
I'm okay with the current forum, we know the team is still working on the project. I don't see any drop in the mods being developed or support on xenforo.com, I'd say things are running very nice. I use tapatalk for mobile
Its good to see they made an announcement about it, I honestly thought they would have a lot sooner than this time.
Same here, and also the SFS integration so I can drop a plugin or two. I am also not a fan of mobile apps such as TapaTalk, etc. and really don't want to have to install another couple of plugins to make the forum mobile friendly...
Yeah; I'm not too concerned with an update either...all I'm currently interested in is the Resource Manager (which I plan to turn into a review section).
See I like the RM but I don't see a use for it without some major promotion. I guess it would be good for this site.. Oh well, I'll decide when it finally comes out.
Probably not all that useful for here unless you sell scripts/guides/whatever you had on the old store thing, but I'm going to try to link it to Amazon and iTunes with the review capabilities used for song/album reviews. I'll probably start by doing reviews in a new section of the forum and migrate them to the RM when/if I have it.