[WTS] Logo Designs

Discussion in 'Marketplace and Exchanges' started by Guest, Feb 22, 2010.

  1. Guest

    Guest Guest


    I have been doing some logo designs for members of General Forums.

    I am offering it to all members. Please send me your budget so I can set you up with a logo. Send along the details as well.

    Heres what other members thought:

    I want to work with you to get you the LOGO YOU DESERVE.

    I am also available for other types of design.

    Please send me a PM.. Or add me on gTalk admin [ at ] siblinks.net. Or chat with me on Yahoo or maybe MSN @ b.bozoness [ a t ] yahoo . com

    I look forward to talking to you.

  2. Juster

    Juster Regular Member

    I see each time in your posts that people must send their budget. Why is that?
    I would like to see your prices in the open, like most designers do, so the customers know what they are up to.
  3. Guest

    Guest Guest

    It depends on your logo.

    If you say have an easy job that will not take much time, I can do it for $5. Some may take a bit longer and can run up to $25.

    The only reason I ask for your budget, is because if you cannot afford a logo at $25 and you say $15, I'll see if I can adjust the prices for you.

  4. Juster

    Juster Regular Member

    Wow, that cheap?
    If you have some more stuff to show, please do. I am always interested in work from designers.
  5. Guest

    Guest Guest

    I've got a ton more designs.

    Just have to dig them all up.

    You don't have to pay until your satisfied with your logo though!
  6. LSUguy

    LSUguy Regular Member

    He's right. I'm a PITA, I am very very anal about everything being perfect, and after a few days of listening to me change things, he got everything done on 2 projects now. Great guy to work with and he definately isn't happy until he pleases you. Can't go wrong here.
  7. Guest

    Guest Guest

    Just a little bit of complaining from LSUGuy.
  8. ArnyVee

    ArnyVee Regular Member

    Any work that you can display? Online portfolio anywhere?
  9. Guest

    Guest Guest

    I'm still working on a portfolio.

    I designed WhoDat Forums logo, and category slips (not the theme!). I designed the Make Money Online | Running Online Business logo.

    You don't pay until its done right :)
  10. ArnyVee

    ArnyVee Regular Member

    I can't access the WhoDat Forums page for some reason. But, I was able to pull up the other one. Is the logo the text with the satellite for the letter "O"? Just making sure.

    Keep us posted because I'd like to see more work. Thanks! :)
  11. Guest

    Guest Guest


    I sure will post some more when I have some available.

    If you would like to try getting a logo from us.. I'm willing to not charge you unless its done right :)

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