[WTB] vBulletin 4 License

Discussion in 'Marketplace and Exchanges' started by TSUFanatic, Oct 3, 2012.

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  1. TSUFanatic

    TSUFanatic Regular Member

    Anyone willing to sell one?
  2. Svoboda

    Svoboda Adept

    I've got a suite license. Feel free to make an offer.
  3. TSUFanatic

    TSUFanatic Regular Member

    Do you have a forum only license? What would be the minimum you would be letting it go for? It's a vB4 owned license with all updates to vB4 right?
  4. Svoboda

    Svoboda Adept

    No, sorry. All I've got are suite licenses.
  5. groenvlieg

    groenvlieg Regular Member

    How much are you asking? Quite desperate for one now.
  6. TSUFanatic

    TSUFanatic Regular Member

    How many do you have laying around?
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