Wrestling Smarks

Discussion in 'Community Showcase' started by BMR, Oct 24, 2012.

  1. BMR

    BMR Regular Member

    Site Name: Wrestling Smarks
    Site URL: www.wrestlingsmarks.com
    Topics: Pro Wrestling/MMA/Entertainment/Sports
    Launch Date: December 2nd 2010
    Thread Count: 27,078
    Post Count: 273,538
    Member Count: 1,965

    I've had a few of these wrestling sites over the years, and this one was launched after I had my former co-owner on a different domain delete the site, database in a fit of rage for some reason. At that point we had close to 750,000 posts and lost it all. New site was launched and we where able to get a lot of the old members back and build up a decent member base again.

    End goal in all of this is to get a decent size network up in the combat sports(Boxing/MMA/Wrestling) just in the planning stages now with domains being purchased ect.
    GasMan320, Ksquall1 and Brandon like this.
  2. GasMan320

    GasMan320 Regular Member

    Did you have any backups at all? As far as rage quits go, your co-owner's one is hardcore!
  3. BMR

    BMR Regular Member

    Sadly no backups....he handled all the server stuff and did regular backups and I never thought the guy would rage out and kill the site. I learned my lesson though and do regular backups for the current site.
  4. WEfail

    WEfail Regular Member

    do you test your backups?

    always good to take one of the backups and create another online instance, locked up of course.

    Your site reminds me of the site that turned into wrestlingforum
  5. BMR

    BMR Regular Member

    Just purchased another less active forum that had fallen off a bit but was once very active. Gained about 600k quality post and some of there members are also slowly trickling in. Exciting given the fact that I was trying for quite some time to purchase another site and finally had some luck.
  6. BMR

    BMR Regular Member

    After spending the better part of the year talking about moving to Xenforo I finally bit the bullet and went ahead with the move.

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