I normally use WOWbb or the new phpbb3. WOWbb is a good software because the set up and admin is very user friendly and they have a support board with 24 hour response times from the admin there. It costs to purchase the software, but I have found it worth it in the past. check out www.wowbb.com for more info. Good stuff.
While I'm generally not a fan of WowBB, I must say that you have done a nice job with customizing it on the forums that are listed in your signature. I know that I've said that before, but you really have done a nice job, particularly with TV and Dinner, and The American Voters.
thanks for the kind words. Post Whore Forums is phpbb3. But TV and DINNER and The American Voters are both wowbb and we tried to custom theme them to look like phpbb or vb. I am/was happy with the results of the custom theme, especially on The American Voters.