Worst issues youve had

Discussion in 'Member and Staff Management' started by Michael, Sep 4, 2009.

  1. Michael

    Michael Regular Member

    What are the worst issues you have ever had with members on your forums? The worst time I remember was when I joined a forum which had an advertisement section and I advertised as youre allowed to. Soon as I did we had about 40 sign ups of trolls. What a nightmare :D
  2. Chris

    Chris Regular Member

    A few months back, I had a member register, post a few decent messages, and then SPAM for the rest of the time. Shortly after banning him, he registered again... and again... and again. Turns out that he was using a VPN - a call to his ISP solved the problem rather quickly.

    It was not fun!
  3. Ryan

    Ryan Regular Member

    Having style names that look the same... end up editing the wrong ones.
  4. cheat-master30

    cheat-master30 Grand Master

    The worst issue I had was a persistent spammer/troll who registered with like, 10 or so accounts. Thankfully, after about the second time of mass registrations, he obviously got bored with trying to spam the forum.
  5. Chris

    Chris Regular Member

    I wish all of these individuals would become bored and retire after a specific period of time. Some of them feel the need to continue on, endlessly. :rolleyes:
  6. kneel

    kneel Regular Member

    isnt this the same thread as the other 9 you posted about "worst exp as an admin?"

    just wondering.....i mean...c'mon dude....
  7. tech

    tech Regular Member

    Ages ago i ran an IPB forum known as limitedclass, this was a friends license, when i moved to premium hosting everything messed up including the database, i also had about 500spam users and i didnt really do anything to the side, from then i decided JetGaming and then vb and things have grew ever since.
  8. The Cadet

    The Cadet Adept

  9. Michael

    Michael Regular Member

    9 all on "worst experience as an admin"? try reading them:

    AdminAddict Forum - Search Results

  10. BabyDesigner

    BabyDesigner Adept

    I really cant say I have had any, really. I actually dont get many spam signups, oddly enough.
  11. Nick

    Nick Regular Member

    I've had a psychotic (yes, I've seriously deemed this member as being truly psychotic) member who really puts forth vast amounts of effort to spam/troll my forum. The problem started a while back, as described here: http://www.adminaddict.net/forum/member-staff-management/trouble-member-1455/

    She went away for a while but then started harassing me via e-mail, Contact Us form, and has recently started her influx of multiple-account-creation and spamming via PM. She sends nasty images with catchy titles (such as "I need help with my account") to me and my moderators (particularly the moderator mentioned in my story [linked to above]) and occasionally to some regular members.

    She is so annoying, and I keep having to deal with her, but I have no idea what her motive is. Unfortunately, she does the same thing to another forum, and has been for years (as described in my other thread) so I'm not looking forward to what is ahead. :frown:
  12. BananaQueen

    BananaQueen Grand Master

    hmmmmmmmmm where do i begin

    i got accidentally banned from the forum i admin on....took a few days for the other admin to un ban me :D

    troll thinking its funny to post pictures of naked old men :puke:

    admin going a bit power mad and deleting everything in our old forum

    my internet being cut off without warning, for 2 weeks with two forums to run, while two of our four staff were also off for whatever reason...i feel sorry for the poor mod left wondering where we all were and having to look after the while forum! luckily the other forum had the rest of the staff (one other admin and 4 mods) to look after it while i was away.

    mod getting drunk and coming on the forum (with a friend under his account) to post silly things (luckily as soon i spotted he had gone into mod control panel, his powers were removed temporarily)

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