Been approved and now have installed on computer. first impressions are that it looks really good, it even tells you what each visitor has done on the forum. I need to look at it some more to get the feel as some of the figures seem to be quite in depth and a little over my head atm lol Just wondering who else has/does use it and how beneficial it is? plus is it any better that google analytics/webmaster tools or awstats or are they all you really need?
I thought it was cool also when we tried it a year ago. However, they only allowed a 10,000 hits back then and then it would stop until the next day. Is that still in effect? It wasn't very useful to me because of that.
I tried this software but not for long. It looked really good and I might use it again but not right now.
Not sure, but I do remember reading about that somewhere so could still be in place. Ill let you know when i find out.
Woopra is bloated. After you get over the "cool looks" it really isn't worth it to me. I'm a huge fan of Mint: Mint: A Fresh Look at your Site The add-ons are great, and much more simplistic and faster approach to live updating.
I used Woopra but found it to be nothing more than a pretty interface with a few unique gadgets. I still prefer Google Analytics, AwStats and Webalizer. Andy, Mint looks neat; I'm going to check that out.
I have never used Woopra but it does look nice. I prefer Mint over Woopra if I was going to use one, though.