Hey everyone Hey everyhone, my name is Milun, (wierd name i know.. if you're trying to say it go with milan) Anyways I'm php coder for wiredgamer and have quite a few years behind me for php. d2alio has some amazing ideas and will have an amazing site once it opens on may 5th. Look forward to it!
Cool cool... I look forward to it. I just started on PHP myself, I wish I knew more. Cause I got ideas just no idea how to do them yet.
Ice[DDZ]: What I did for my first month is I took apart a vbulletin. Like a car take every single piece of code apart until you understand how it works. Then try making queries, then smaller scripts, then bigger sites, until you just get to a point where you can make anything you want. But pretty much start with php/mysql relations and how to make queries. That is the biggest part of php. (Also read a lot of mysql documents, you need fast tables unless you want super slow sites) Manex: Sounds interesting. I'll have to see what kind of jobs and if I got time for them.
Yeah... I just been messing around with other scripts (Funny, first script I actually used on a page, I made myself... Very basic dealy where the index.php?id=yourpage tells it what page to display... But I was very happy with figuring just that out by myself) and trying to tweak them to my liking. Click here (Mind you, all text and content is for place holding) if you want to see the main thing I've been working on... Try the "Downloads" page. Thats what I want to somehow make automated, parts of it already are actually. :whomped: Anyways... Just curious, if you know any good sites with examples I could pick through? Would be greatly appriciated.
www.php.net is the best site for learning. For every function there are users that posted comments and snipplets below that help a lot.
Ahh, figured as much. One of these days if I can force myself to do it. I'll try reading the whole freakin' site :p
lol you might want to dedicate a few months or a year then.. php has a suprisingly large amount of functions. there's at least 15 ways to do the same thing in php for almost everything