\o.o/ Is it ok for me to make another thread??? If not x.x Sorry.... \o.o/ I got inspired not long ago and I decided to make this... The design is supposed to have JQuery[on the User Information and Drop-down menu]. I am sooo not done so I guess I'll update this thread when I get one step closer on being done. ^^;; It will stay PSD design... me=doesn't have the coding skills enough to make it come true! xD So yeah.
\o.o/ Woo, second update. I'll make guest view, User view, Show thread and subforum. Loll x.x This might be impossible, but a girl can dream, no!? \o.o/ This is my way of dreaming!
I love the concept of the integrated "Moderation Center" link at the very top of the index - very smart (and well-placed).
Well, the design is made based on what I've seen/experienced on MyBB. When a mod get's a report they receive yellow notification bar. Instead of the notification bar you'd get the moderation queue above, which I forgot to add. That said how many posts were reported and so. And not a lot of users are knowledgeable with all the forum software, specially some of my mods who are new to the forum world so it would be easier to have quick link access, no!?
\o.o/ I started on the admin view showthread T.T I noticed that kind of looks like vB, the layout. But I'm not done! \o.o/
Only one way to learn, get in there, and get dirty! :lol: Looks good, very light, airy, and yet still gets your point across.
I'm sure you can find someone who will code it for you, either for money or trade for graphics from you
Money wise...I'd think these would be like, shit ball expensive.... since it's SO detailed. Plus kind of needs JQuery and some other functions to uhh, like be exactly how I "imagined" or built it to be. x.x Yeah...
On your last shot, i would suggest, to combine the user and post boxes. otherwise on first glance you think the content areas dont have anything in common. i for myself have problems to visually distinguish all the content parts. There is a big header part, below a gfx which is much more intrusive and way too exhausting for my eyes. i cant decide where to look first and where is the most important part of your forum. keep it simple, try to visually separate each content parts more clearly. users have to recognize every object and its function on first sight without having to habituate it first. your gfx skills seem to be pretty well. so now try to transcript your visuals with usability
I am delivering how Anime people would love to see this, they like graphics, one of the reason they chose specific anime. Sadly I can't really put this at functionality, but as I said, there is more than meets the eye if put to work. The banner [which says Pisoga Reloaded] is supposed to change. And I said I kind of wasn't done x.x I am uniting both user info and post, just that I haven't thought with what yet, reason why it's not there. As I said, I am trying to please anime users, put that in mind. We love graphics and visuals, plus it's one of the reason we chose certain anime.
You'll be able to "please" 'em, there is no question about it. I'm convinced that you're a graphic genius.
Thank you. They like it a lot, my users have express the sadness on the thought of me not being able to get it done xDD it's really just too advanced. Other than that, I'll keep doing it since it gives me something to do, also, I'm very proud of the concept. xD
well, it was just my opinion as some sort of casual-website-user and no anime-forum-user take my advice if you need it, if not then not
x.x Tis' oki. \o.o/ I still don't know what will I make for a bridge to connect the author post and the author post bit. ANY ideas would be appreciated! Finished another preview anyways! Yay! Admin showthread~