Nope never heard of it (actually I thought we had more threads discussing its awesomeness, but apparently I can't find them )
Pre-ordered Pro 64bit. for £159.99, on launch it will cost £219.99, from PC World EDIT: Just found out it ships with both 32bit and 64bit =)
I attended a Program organised by MS for Students ..they explained salient features about Win7 and the new IE... I have used the beta edition for 3 months and I think I dont buy it...I am shifting to Linux
cheers for that....looks like it might be good...i use XP and my kids have vista and i'm not keen on that... Anymore info much appreciated..
Windows 7 is a lot better than Vista and XP imo. It gives a pretty nice user experience for the most part. I've never had a problem with windows crashing (any version) so I can't really comment on that aspect if you're one of the people that can crash windows non-stop for whatever reason . It is quicker, and responds faster to commands it seems, loading times of programs after you've ran them once and closed them seem to be cut in half (especially if you launch Photoshop, close it, then relaunch it later it goes faaaast). Other than that, its visually similar to vista with some improvements.
I was about to download it the other day [LOL 3 weeks ago or so] and vista closed froze every single time. It smells it! But yeah, they call Windows 7 what 'Vista should have been'.
Been using Beta since it came out, RC since it came out. Have 2 copies pre-ordered @ amazon (got 'em for $50 each), so I'll just need to order the Anytime Upgrade disk for the 64 bit machine (another $10) and I'll be set! Does it beat Vista? Hands down. It is a lot less resource intense. As far as it being "What Vista should have been", Vista was fine, but you have to update your systems. Too many people still trying to run Vista on that broken down old XP box! yes, it's a step up from Vista, but Vista itself was a huge step up.
I've been using it sicne the first public beta and I'm on the RTM version now thanks to my TechNet subscription. It's what Vista was meant to be really. It's flawless in every way that I can see, no crashes, muck ups, etc for me. I'm running the x64 version of it as I have a very strong anti-x86 thing going on. They should get rid of x86 altogether as all the driver issues have mostly been worked out for 64 bit versions. Windows 7 Professional has all the advantages of Windows XP, the visuals of Vista, not so resource hungry, and so much more. It's awesome, it's running fine on my 2gb RAM laptop and flawlessly on my 8gb RAM, GTX260, E8400 @ 4ghz desktop =).