Is anyone actually excited for this release of a Windows for a change. I thoroughly enjoy Windows 7 over Vista myself, and have 3 copies on pre-order.
I won't have to pay a dime for any version I want. No, not piracy. My brother's company, the one he's a senior engineer for regularly gets products and they give me what I want. I've been friends with the owner for nearly 10 years now. I also have a Microsoft Partners for Success with MS.
Have two copies on pre-order. My daughter's XP machine is getting replaced with a touchscreen laptop next month. My step-sons computer will be replaced with a new machine in September. Both will come with free upgrades to Windows 7 from HP. I'll turn my stepson's XP machine into a linux media machine.
I don't think I have heard so many good things about this OS. The majority of positive comments seem to be higher than previous MS OS. Vista is a nightmare, I never did get along with it we have two HP laptops with vista on though when 7 comes along we'll be installing these on them and possibly on the desktops if they can handle it.
It's awesome! I've gotten the RTM from TechNet and I just love it. I haven't really bothered to install it yet though lol. Maybe this weekend I can find some time to sort through my 5tb of data and figure out what I want t get rid of and all that fun stuff. I'm far to lazy lol.
Ok,,, and? If ford releases a new truck or car does not mean that I am going to go down and buy it. If it works, dont fix it. And windows XP works just fine. And I am not about to trade in my truck that gets 15 miles to gallon on one that gets 5 miles to the gallon.
No, no it doesn't. Windows XP does not work on new(er) hardware, there are too many issues Windows XP is dead, it's ancient history, been so for a couple years now. Just because Microsoft gave it a liferaft doesn't mean they're going to continue supporting something that should have been buried when Vista came out. Windows XP is based on technology that is dead now. Why SHOULD Microsoft continue to support something that is 8 years old. The rest of the world has moved on, it's time for them to do the same.
If your hardware is not working with XP, then go download the new drivers. Every hardware manufacture still supports windows XP. There is a game program that I use called Steam. Every month Steam takes a survey of the peoples computers that are using the program. This gives developers a visual trend of gaming systems. The last time it was updated was July, 2009 Steam Hardware Survey Out of the people that completed the survey: Windows XP 32 bit 55.04% Windows Vista 32 bit 25.14% Windows Vista 64 bit 11.68% Windows 7 64 bit 4.20% Windows 7 2.35% Windows 2003 64 bit 0.85% Windows XP 64 bit 0.45% Windows 2000 0.15% Other 0.14% More then twice as many gamers are using XP then Vista 32 bit, and 5 times as many people using vista 64 bit. Windows 7 makes up a very small fraction of the total number of users. To give you an idea of how many computers were surveyed - right now, there are 1,532,428 people logged into Steam. In the past 48 hours, a maximum of 1,800,834 people were logged in. I think the total number of Steam users is around 50 million? But I'am not 100% sure on that number. Now then, who told you XP was dead? If millions of gamers can find drivers, what is your problem? XP is a long, long way from being "dead."
Yeah, kinda hard to do that when you can't INSTALL XP because the drives aren't found, because XP doesn't support the hardware. Like I said, XP is ancient history.
I guess your using the driver update feature that connects to the internet? The operating system can not do "everything" for you. Learn how to download drivers from the manufacturers website and install them manually. What hardware are you talking about? I would like to know.
Windows XP is staying on my machine until they release something which is a must have, touch screen ability and a fancy graphical interface isnt enough for me to want to switch from XP. XP is the most stable Windows OS available. Vista was just a nuisance and caused more problems for me than any other OS I have used. Windows 7 is looking really promising, it looks like it is everything Vista should have been although I dont think the file system has been changed like MS said they were changing years ago, it still isnt a necessary upgrade for me.
Try actually reading the post instead of "guessing", might help. If a drive isn't seen, the OS can't be installed If you don't have an OS installed, you can't get online. If you can't get online, you can't deal with "downloading drivers", now can you? I know how to download drivers, I know how to install them, but when the OS doesn't even see the board/drive combination, then that's not the board/drive's fault, THAT is the fault of the OS. On top of that, XP still requires a "floppy" to load drivers from on install. Seriously, a floppy? Nobody's used those in years, they're a waste of space. I don't know about Vista or 7 (both handled my drive/board combination properly, unlike XP), but I'm pretty sure they moved beyond that ancient garbage. Xp is a relic. There's really no excuse to continue using it except for a deep desire to support old systems and not upgrade.
Uhhh, I dont have the slightest idea what your talking about with the floppy. Install the OS and install the drivers after XP has finished doing its thing. I still use a floppy - sometimes - when I am installing xp on an older drive and want to run a low level format and check for errors before the OS is installed. So I will use a DOS start up disk, fdisk, format the drive, then start the install of XP from DOS. You are the first person I have heard of that has problems with xp installing on anything. It sounds to me that your doing things the really hard way.
Here we go again. Windows XP is staying on my computer, relic or not, until somebody releases a discrete speech (not continuous) voice recognition program with hands-free operation & the ability to work with all other Windows programs. (No, NaturallySpeaking does not work for me.) I have a second laptop as a backup until that glorious day when I can upgrade, but I have no idea when or if that will happen. Because my only other option, according to you, is never using a computer again.
Yeah, but you have to do what first? INSTALL THE OS! If you can't install the OS (because XP is too old to see the drive/board combination), then you're screwed. XP does, in fact, require a floppy drive to use the "load drivers" function before installing the OS. Why? Because it's a relic that was actually born when those arcane methods were actually used. Like I said, I don't know about Vista/7, because Vista and 7 handled the board/drive recognition just fine, literally.
Why not slipstream the drivers on a custom XP disk then? nLite - Deployment Tool for the bootable Unattended Windows installation can probably help. And XP works just fine for me on my home PC and i doubt I ever upgrade it either. But why would you want to run XP on a newly built machine any way?
I would like to know your qualifications to make such a statement. Where did you go to college at? And where did you get your on the job training at? In other words, post qualifications, I would like to see them. I started Lamar College in Port Arthur Texas in 1996, and went through 2000. Went back in 2003 for 1 year. My formal education covers everything from hardware to cisco routers and over the past 13 years. In 2001 I went to work at Shaw Communications in Houston, Texas as a support tech - worked there for 3 years. 2005 - current I have worked as a network administrator for a local business. Part of which covers taking care of 3 remote offices their networks, printers, updates, hardware problems and workstations. So when you say your having problems installing XP, and its a relic - I have no idea "what" your talking about. Xp is a solid OS that has been battle hardened through years of security updates. Its a little bloated when compared to windows 2000 and NT4, but that is ok with todays modern hardware and cheap memory. And personally, I still use floppies from time to time. They might be old, but they still work. By whos standards is windows 7 and vista an "upgrade?" In my book they are both downgrades to XP.
Experience qualifies me to make the statement. 10+ years of custom PC development plus another 15 of programming. I haven't "bought" a computer, ever. I build them. Every single computer I have owned, every single computer that friends have owned have been bought by myself. Never, ever has there been a problem with Vista, or 7. With XP, though, that can't be said. That would be nice if that meant anything. Your education is outdated, and nobody has any reason to believe you even went there. Save the scans and all that, it doesn't matter. Then you have no clue what you're doing with up to date hardware. There are plenty of issues installing XP with up to date hardware. Just because you're not willing to admit them doesn't make them any less of an issue. That's what happens when you get an "education" in school. You're stuck 7 years ago, while the rest of us are up to date. Windows 7 and Vista are an upgrade. Vista was not as much of one, because of the intense resources required to run it, but it was still an upgrade. By who's standards was this an upgrade? By those of us who are up to date, by Microsoft, by Dell, by any computer manufacturer who sells the product. Yes, I am up to date. I don't need a piece of paper to tell me I know computers, all I need for that are the scores of individuals I have helped over the years that keep coming back to me for help on various other problems. All I have to do is ask the individuals I've built PC's for over the years how they're doing and they'll be all giddy and happy If you want to stay in the relic age, that's fine. The rest of us, however, are going to move on to the future, instead of clinging to the past.