Wierd Quick Reply Behaviour

Discussion in 'vBulletin Discussions' started by techit, Nov 19, 2009.

  1. techit

    techit Addict

    Like the title reads above, one of my members is getting this wierd behaviour when he uses quick reply it takes him to the advanced reply page, also this only happens to him when he uses I.E and seems to work fine on firefox. I tried to replicate this problem but was unable to do so. Any guesses on what could be causing this or if you have run across this in your experience ? iam currently using Vb 3.8.4

  2. kev

    kev Regular Member

    Have the person reset their internet explorer properties and go from there
  3. kneel

    kneel Regular Member

    I would tell the person to clear his cookies. vb + a lot of cookies equals a problem. (sumtimes) :)
  4. techit

    techit Addict

    done all that...the problem still exists
  5. Boss

    Boss Resident Silly Man

    This has always been a problem with vB and browsers. Safari is more prone to this. Why I dislike AJAX powered reply systems.

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