I saw this toolbar on one forum, but ignored it; then I just saw it on vBCodex, and I figured if Wayne uses it, it must be interesting. Wibiya | Homepage What are your thoughts? Do any of you use it on your forum? I'm thinking about implementing it here to give it a try (with an option to disable it, of course). :shrug: This is what intrigues me: Lose the pop-up bar or make it static - vBCodex
Looks the part but just isnt worth it in my opinion, it doesnt add enough for me and it would get in the way of the chat bar too unless we swapped the two over. I think it is a nice idea but the games section really put me off after reading you need to pay to unlock more levels, whether its free to earn these credits to pay with I still dont like it as you need to sign up and login etc. It is a good idea but it could have been done better, if it had an IM system where members could have their very own sitewide IM or whatnot that would be good along with free games you dont need to sign up for to have extended play. What it has now I just dont see the point in so much, I know I wouldnt use it at all.
I was initially incredibly intrigued by the (apparent) ease of use to translate pages into different languages. But after trying to use it that is a bit clunky, once I select a different language to view a page in then I cannot figure out how to view the original language.
FIRST Blogs — Home I'm using it there, but it's pretty inactive, since it's not really a live site at this point. I'm thinking about moving it over to Setsou's domain, once we launch. I like what it does, but don't like the presentation. It's ugly, and clunky, for lack of better phrases. Once you get past that, it's pretty useful and convenient.
This looks like a really interesting tool. Thanks for bringing it to our attention Nick! Looks like there are a lot of options for the tool. I like the integration of Twitter that Wayne has on his site. I think that this would be VERY helpful here at AA. I couldn't get a clear understanding of the other applications that they feature from their site. My only question is are the features that make this tool interesting easily available in a different format that would fit AA better? HTH, RR
I have it on the new site, and using it with my friend Chris. We love it. I've posted a couple of test posts to Facebook and twitter. LOVE how that works. As soon as my request goes through I'll put it on TKK as well. I like that you can share your sites articles on several different SN sites. This will be great for my new site, being about ADHD/ADD, Aspergers, etc. OH and they'll be adding a chat (like the one on the bar on this site) to it as well. There are alot of add-ons once you get accepted and actually get ahold of it. Personally, I think it's great.
I actually implemented this myself as well. Not sure about how many actually use it, but this brings a bit of social networking to forums. My only thought is that they need a 'chat' method.
With AA having comet installed I would just wait for their addons which are coming soon, assuming they wont be charged add ons
I saw this on vbcodex and added to our forums (Wibiya Toolbar) but I'm not sure if I'll keep it. I like a few of the options, but not the whole thing 100%, I would like it more if it was auto compact to new visitors. I asked their Twitter account, but haven't gotten a reply yet.
I was invited to try the toolbar. I like it because we have members that post from all over the world and it would be great to give them the option to read the Forum in their native language. I have one question: is there a way to install the Wibiya Toolbar so that it does not over lap the CometChat bar? (I used Wayne's install method on vBCodex--thanks Wayne! :cheers I know this is going to look dumb & cluttered, but my Forum really likes CometChat and I want to utilize it until the Wibiya Toolbar (hopefully) gets a chat feature as well.
It looks cool and im using it on my HomePage and forums.. JetGaming - Gaming Mayhem JetGaming - Official Forums *2 different ones, not the same toolbar on both* Wayne, how did you get the option to turn it of in UserCP?
I'm definitely not Wayne, but read this - Template Integrating Wibiya Toolbar into your Site - vBCodex
The Wibiya toolbar has been completely updated, and they've added a chatroom to it, along with a couple of other new features. I like it! Wibiya.com
using this on my site...so far members seem to like it...looks like ill keep it around for some more time...the notifications option has also helped me drive traffic to a developing sub forum with good results
I've been using it for months, first on Themes by Design, and now on my new site. The Notices, translator, and recent posts, have been the most popular features on my sites so far.
I added the new code a couple of hours ago and think this toolbar is so beneficial (especially the notifications) feature. I haven't messed around with the updated version yet but I really like this toolbar. In fact. I read about it in a post of yours peggy which prompted me to apply to send an e-mail to get my invite. which i have to say, was very promptly accepted