Why is every recent god damn post on this forum have something to do with vBulletin 4. Getting so boring now. The fun of this forum is dead.
Just happens to be the topic of the moment...give it a few days, something else will be take over as.
That's what I said a week ago. vBulletin is boring now. Need Chris to pull some rabits out of his hat.
I'm trying my best to post some non-vBulletin (and non-forum-software in general) threads tonight so that we can engage some of our regular admin discussions.
Things will get better here....Right now the vb4 issue hit a raw nerve on allot of people. I bet within the next week or so, it will be a thing of the past.
My advice here is simply to ignore the forum software sections, since the other sections do have a decent amount of general admin discussion about running a forum, and nothing to do with vBulletin 4. Heck, maybe actually POST some of these topics you'd want to read.
Maybe I'm just clueless, but I still have no idea what's going going on with VB4. What did they do so bad that's pissing people off?
The license changes and price changes, then the general attitude towards people. This however has all died down recently, you'll be glad to hear. Their hatedom has fell by three quarters too...
Their a business, from what I've seen and heard they're doing alright. The new prices aren't that bad and I do sort of like the new license changes and all that to. Yes, this is coming from someone with an inactive license. If I didn't love IPB so much more then I would certainly buy VB4 in a heartbeat.
Well, the answer is that some don't like the changes. A better answer... the same four people make half the rant topics. Edit: Oh, and this describes the vBulletin fanbase perfectly: http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/UnpleasableFanbase