I used vBulletin for many years and was happy with it; after waiting more than a year for any development of vB4 and after seeing how ridiculously bad vB5 was/is, I decided to convert my forum to xenForo. I understand the software has turned to shit; but I don't understand why so many webmasters seem to violently hate vBulletin/IB/their staff. The way some behave towards them would make you think the vB people stole their wife or girlfriend. Why so much hate? Because the low quality of the software? Because the way (some of) the staff has behaved? Because the IB suit against xenForo? Because you have a personal problem against the staff? Because the actions of IB have personally affected you? Because all of the above? Because...? I'm not trying to defend vB/IB nor I'm saying the hate against them isn't justified. I've run communities for almost 10 years; but I'm fairly new in the 'webmaster scene' and I'm honestly curious why there's so much and violent hate towards them. If you're one of those people who hate vB/IB/their Staff, please tell us why you feel that way.
Why do you think there is "violent hate" towards anyone or anything vb/ib? And why are you trying to dredge all the drama back up? If you don't understand what its all about might I suggest you read or re-read all previous posts on the subject?
I don't think it's hate. I think it's more of a dislike for IB. Before IB bought vbulletin they were despised for what they did after they bought a forum. Many forum owners who sold to IB thinking it would help to take the site farther than they could found out that all IB cared about was the ads they put on the sites and not about the community. The vbulletin fan base was very passionate about the product and were very vocal when someone said anything bad about vbulletin. Those very same people are the ones that IB shunned and therefore they are very vocal in the criticism.
Thanks for the reply. I've read posts with people wishing the company would go under. I know others have even tried to get some staff members fired by contacting the bosses and accusing them of things. A lot of people gloat over every new vBulletin screw up. Those things qualify as hate to me and whenever someone is trying to mess with other people's livelihood, that qualifies as "violent hate" in my book. I'm not trying to do anything. If you can't handle the "drama", I invite you to leave the thread and don't participate in it. Thank you.
vb/ib has messed with many peoples livelihood so does that in your estimation qualify that they hate their customers? I would agree they have little regard for their former customers. And if you had read all the other posts you would know why people feel that way. Your comments suggest to me you are a subjective reader. If you're not trying to do anything then why bring it all back up? I love drama as much as the next guy and I suggest from your tone you do too. Thanks for the invitation but I'll stick around some more to see how far you stick your foot in your mouth.
I think you answered your own questions here which further indicates to me this thread is trolling for more vb drama So you are one of us disgruntled customers...............
I am not sure that Hate is the right word. Yes many are justifiably upset with the actions of VB/IB. and staff. When they post propaganda and accuse customers of being stupid for trusting them and actually buying VB5 then the anger is justified. When they ban customers and post derogatory comments for the dreadful crime of asking genuine questions. Then these actions will not endure them to anyone. If you read the comments by many current and ex VB customers then it should be clear why there is so much disappointment with VB/IB.
Not necessarily. If they have messed up with people's livelihood, they have out of incompetence, not out of hate. Now, if their actions had affected my finances, I'd surely hate their guts as well. Quite perceptive, aren't you? Why you have this paranoid idea that I have some agenda by making this thread? I am honestly just curious about all this, is it so hard to believe for you? Why are you so agressive? Did I offend you in any way? If you find this a taboo subject that should never be brought up again, then I respect your opinion and I apologize for disturbing you with my questions. And I don't care about forum drama, I get my healthy dose of that in my own forums. I apologize for upsetting you. I didn't expect my trolling to affect people's mood. I'm so sorry, really. I guess I'm just a hypocrite. Please feel free to continue attacking me, until you feel better. I deserve it for upsetting you.
A valid point. Many customers have expressed disappointment over losing money after believing the propaganda and buying VB5 only to be bitterly disappointed. with it. This gets back to a previous point. What angered many, were the answers that those who were naive enough to buy VB5 without trying it first were stupid. This is a woeful reaction by VB staff to customers who trusted them and bought VB5 on their say so, that VB5 was a good product. There are many customers who are not coders, programmers or similar. (my self included) So these customers trusted what the VB/IB people were saying, that VB5 was the best thing since sliced bread (or similar praise) When as has been said many times after the event, VB 5 was ill concieved and was not what customers wanted. Hence the movement of so many VB5 customers to their competitors.
I'd say two reasons: 1. It's because vB 5 is crap... and uses the name of a script people once liked and respected (vBulletin). If IB had started their own forum script, people wouldn't have cared about any of this, and would have just ignored them. 2. The way IB respond to criticism just fans the flames. They don't really show enthusiasm, they don't respect their customers and they get ridiculously defensive towards their terrible software. Basically, people like Mark B, BirdOfPrey and Paul M ended up causing the company's reputation to nosedive by constantly arguing in its defense and attacking their own customers.
Not paranoid but suspicious. Suspicious of your motives because after a rather long pause in the vb/ib threads you are curious as you say, to post questions which you already have the answer too as stated in previous post of yours. You have witnessed the abuse to other customers, and dislike what they have done both to customers and the software and because of this you have switched software. Cause and effect, you have seen and done what many others have seen and done. What really is it you are curious about??? That I am curious about. Just saying Curious people normally ask questions they don't have answer to. Curious people looking for answers don't normally start a thread wrongfully accusing others of being violently hateful. And of course your hostile and defensive response to my original question further caused me to be suspicion of your motives.
Hate? Hate is a strong word. I can't say I've come across anyone displaying "hate" towards individuals. People may have a strong dissatisfaction with something and they should be able to express that. It's not "hate" though.
If someone posts something that's factually incorrect then I'll tend to point it out. Being dissatisfied doesn't permit people to make things up and present them as fact. That isn't "attacking" customers. Yesterday on another site I pulled someone up over a mistruth they posted about XenForo. Was I attacking their customers also, by doing so? I think not. Neither XenForo nor vBulletin actually need me to defend them, but I dislike mistruths.
When the market leader starts delivering a long line of substandard products it's inevitable their customers will become vocal. If their actions have a financial impact on their customers then they are likely to get quite angry. However I don't really see much evidence of hate towards vBulletin, just a rather large number of disgruntled customers.
Completely agree...there's not really any "hate" in the true sense of the word, not towards people anyhow. Vocal customers for any company - good or bad - is generally a good thing. IMO.
HATE is exactly what it is and juvenile attempts to blame it on myself and other staff members is incredibly transparent and obvious. Correct someone who is posting flat out lies about the product and then you get accused of poor customer service skills.
You are providing misleading and incorrect information here and this is just one of many examples you provide of why you specifically are accused of poor customer service skills. In your case you may be right to conclude people HATE you but for the others I think its more of a dislike for their actions and conduct.
I don't hate you Joe, I feel sorry for you. Rubbish, it's a case of how you & the other two responds, it's your attitude that demonstrates none of you have a clue when it comes to customer service skills. Of course, if IB cared about customer service, the three of you would be fired, but they don't, so you get away with it. I must admit I find Mark 'I can no longer post on third party admin sites' B. the funniest, Paul M. the rudest, and you somewhere between the two.
Correcting with more speculating is poor customer service skills in my eyes. I've seen plenty of posts from you doing just this regarding the lawsuit. Regarding vBulletin I don't hate them myself, I just think terrible... terrible choices have been made. I visit the site every so often and every time... I kid you not there's problems still which I can find within 3-5 clicks of browsing the forums. I end up leaving wondering why I even came back.